Recent content by panzerkaetzchen

  1. panzerkaetzchen

    Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

    NF: Annoyed. I am in Colorado at the moment, and we're supposed to get one foot of snow this evening. What stupid weather for the end of April.
  2. panzerkaetzchen

    happy birthday hyena!

    @rahvin: thanks for the ever so important info. i fixed it.
  3. panzerkaetzchen

    The Person Above Me..

    ^has a cute, new avatar.
  4. panzerkaetzchen

    happy birthday hyena!

    Happy Birthday! May the next year bring you plenty of metal, beautiful men, and expensive alcohol.
  5. panzerkaetzchen

    Which cd did you just buy?

    wumpscut - bone peeler (listening to the second track now. so far, so good.)
  6. panzerkaetzchen

    Explain your Stuff..

    @salamurhaaja: brilliance!! i shall adopt your idea at once. many thanks!
  7. panzerkaetzchen

    I'm New -------- If this is you, post here.

    Welcome, Boron. I'm new too. Are you also a student at the University of Michigan?
  8. panzerkaetzchen

    Explain your Stuff..

    @salamurhaaja: very interesting explanations of your "stuff." i am a big kmfdm fan, so i appreciate all of your allusions. \m/ As for me: Nick - i created this name when i joined another board a year ago. at the time, i was working on a piece of performance art, set to the song...
  9. panzerkaetzchen

    Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

    NF: envious! nah, i hope you had fun.
  10. panzerkaetzchen

    Which cd did you just buy?

    Can anyone comment on the newest Finntroll? DeepInMisery? Anyone?
  11. panzerkaetzchen

    the dynamite politics thread

    @lina: libertarian? no name-calling, please. now if you'll excuse me, i have to go stock up on supplies for my bunker in montana. my grandaddy always said you can never have too many shotguns. *retires to alternate reality* :)
  12. panzerkaetzchen

    I'm New -------- If this is you, post here.

    @fireangel: thanks for the breakdown. @malaclypse: yöür respönse häs merit. ten pöints för yöü. @magsec4: muffins? you rule. can i be your best friend?
  13. panzerkaetzchen

    the dynamite politics thread

    Fight or flight? Fight or flight? Fight or flight? Ach, what the hell... Rather than citing important issues, I'll just give a brief synopsis of my platform, so to speak. I am currently disenchanted with both republican and democratic parties because each seeks to expand the US government...
  14. panzerkaetzchen

    Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

    Spelunking, naturally... well, that's not quite the truth. Hmmm, what do I do other than scout Mortiis habitats? I read, write, and dream of returning to school next month. A recluse I very well may be. And you?
  15. panzerkaetzchen

    Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

    @malaclypse: thank you for providing the given circumstances of your situation. as i am still a green n00b, i have much to learn about the other members here. i understand that you are in a terrible bind, and my best wishes are truly with you. NF: quite content with my cave-dwelling...