Recent content by PanzerKunt

  1. PanzerKunt

    Ask Joonas

    Lol Joonas.
  2. PanzerKunt

    Gamers Thread

    Hm, GTA 4 seems a bit different. Like there is a reason why things are the way they are, and the main character actually as a conscience. I like it for what it is. Which is a GTA game. And a better GTA game than VC and SA at that. You fail.
  3. PanzerKunt

    The Whining and Bitching Thread

    I took 3 years off, best decision I've ever made in my entire life. Now I'm back in school, which I like. As opposed to earlier.
  4. PanzerKunt

    Gamers Thread

    The new Def Leppard GH3 DLC = krieg
  5. PanzerKunt

    Does your girlfriend/wife listen to Metal?

    Countersarcasm baby, you learn about it in awesome school.
  6. PanzerKunt

    Does your girlfriend/wife listen to Metal?

    oh wow really i didnt get that. you should have a prize too.
  7. PanzerKunt

    Does your girlfriend/wife listen to Metal?

    Nah that's ok ill be fine
  8. PanzerKunt

    Does your girlfriend/wife listen to Metal?

    Yeah thats exactly how it went, if I had a prize I'd give it to you. Sevag: I don't like metal chicks, they usually dress like sluts. But i like chicks who don't listen to metal, but because of me they like some. VVVVVV: Me too. Knut: You are generalising. Generalising is stupid...
  9. PanzerKunt

    Metal versus Hip Hop

    MC Chris for the win!
  10. PanzerKunt

    Does your girlfriend/wife listen to Metal?

    I'm not telling you to get a girlfriend, I'm telling you to stop generalising. Didn't you just tell me not to twist your words around? And VVVVV you need to stop victimising yourself.
  11. PanzerKunt

    Does your girlfriend/wife listen to Metal?

    No but "im never getting a metalhead girl again because they are slutty" which you wrote is pretty clear isn't it?
  12. PanzerKunt

    Does your girlfriend/wife listen to Metal?

    Maybe you shouldn't get so defensive then next time someone talks to a group that you clearly don't belong in. The "mainly enough for me" can be interpreted many ways, and when you start insta-defending yourself of course it gives me the impression that you're on the same level as Alter and...
  13. PanzerKunt

    Does your girlfriend/wife listen to Metal?

    I'm exaggerating, and you're contradicting yourself with the "she listens to some but that's mainly enough" followed "it would be weird if she got into it but i wouldn't care in the long run", unless you mean that you have made her listen to some but she wasn't that interested so you stopped...
  14. PanzerKunt

    Does your girlfriend/wife listen to Metal?

    You better believe it baby, it's the internet. No really, take a look at your own post up there almost at the top of this page. You say your gf like a couple metal-ish songs but that's enough for you. What the fuck? Where do you come in here? Would you dump her if she started GETTING INTO METAL...
  15. PanzerKunt

    The thread about guns and stuff like that!

    It serves as an extremely biased example, that's what it does. Compare Norway to USA, compare Sweden to USA, compare Canada to USA, and you still get the exact opposite result and these mentioned countries have a lot more in common than Switzerland and South Africa. Your "proof" that guns don't...