Recent content by paperdoll

  1. paperdoll

    Happy Birthday Roope

    HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY!! y feliz cumpleanos :B hell yeah, BLACK DEATH! (i can't believe he's 38, i thought he was much older! damn reminds me of Hyde, japanese singer who is 39 and looks like he's in his fucking 20s!!)
  2. paperdoll

    Gotta give it to Alexi

    uh...i once clogged the sink, i didn't know you had to vomit in the toilet LOL (no, i have no common sense) the end
  3. paperdoll

    !! Happy Birthday Janne !!

    happy birthday Janne!!!! you are the bestestestestestestestest!!!! =) many more years for you! to have fun, make awesome music and drink! feliz cumpleaños~
  4. paperdoll

    Future "Bodom" song names

    or it could be Bodom me! how would that be?
  5. paperdoll

    Vote for Alexi at Metal Hammer Golden Gods Awards

    isn't your ip adress registered so you can't vote again? if alexi doesn't win shedder i'm going to ..drink a whole bottle of whiskey. ps. i didn't know dir en grey were that popular
  6. paperdoll

    Meta Hammer Golden Gods

    avenged sevenfold? well i see where this is heading.. anyway, bodom is performing. the fucking world is fucking gonna experience the fucking power of fucking bodooooooooooooom
  7. paperdoll

    Future "Bodom" song names

    Sniff my bodom
  8. paperdoll


    'fuck you motherfucker fuck i fucking hate you! yeah!' anyway it's growling and the music makes up for it so it doesn't matter that much although i appreciate good lyrics
  9. paperdoll

    Describe the person above you.

    ^ party bouncer of uninvited party sluts :p
  10. paperdoll

    Describe the person above you.

    ^ is a guy?
  11. paperdoll

    Alexi Laiho Quotes

    my sig :P the wisest phrase ever plus THE i'm too drunk face!! the ultimate combo
  12. paperdoll

    You laugh, you lose...

  13. paperdoll

    The weather in your city.

    21C / 70F in my hometown. villahermosa, tabasco, mexico Humidity: 94% well that's nice, usually it's well over 25C yearly: minimum temp: 10C (that's...never) maximum: 40C so it's hot the whole year round, and you can't run or hide from the heat due to the humidity! in the worst...
  14. paperdoll

    Own Pictures Thread

    it's me and my mustache! btw, hi i'm new at this forum :)
  15. paperdoll

    Best Bodom Music Video Poll.:kickass:

    in your face: cob playing and looking baddass, plus good old headbanging. i like the place too and it looks professional :)