Recent content by parabola5353

  1. parabola5353

    Division with Testament at Jaxx, October 7th POSTPONED

    yay i live 10 minutes away!
  2. parabola5353

    Line up Changes

    man its a damn shame, robs a nice guy, he gave me his pick at the opeth show
  3. parabola5353

    NEW SONG RELEASED today JULY 31/06

    its a fuckin amazing song for sure. stu sounds awesome in it. hope to see you guys hit up jaxx soon!
  4. parabola5353


    hey i see you guys are playin for testament. its a shame you arent playin the first date cos im seein hank 3 on the date you guys are! bummer mang. but congrats, that will be a big show
  5. parabola5353


    man i remember that show and when i think of it i always feel happy. disney channel used to not suck. the good ol days they were
  6. parabola5353

    Nevermore fans are the best:)

    man opeth is myfavorite band but this is my favorite ultimate metal forum
  7. parabola5353

    Nevermore fans are the best:)

    yeah this is one of the only forums on here where people arent on their period all day, and best comeback isnt you n00b.
  8. parabola5353

    Help name my rats!

    kenicke and eugene
  9. parabola5353

    Betcha Can't Play This

    any of you guys see him playin them classical pieces on youtube? i think thats the most amazing shit ive seen him do
  10. parabola5353

    post your sexy pics here

    :erk: i dont have any sexy pictures
  11. parabola5353


    yeah boy ima see them again monday
  12. parabola5353

    It's been too long since the last kitty picture thread.

    aw whatta cutie that kitten is
  13. parabola5353

    Post a picture of yourself holding the orb!

    THE BRAIN!!!! oh damn, thats 2 kicks for me
  14. parabola5353

    Does anyone have the new anata?

    yes it is. its hard as shit to find though. most people just got it from the earache online store
  15. parabola5353

    Does anyone have the new anata?

    i looked for it today yesterday and friday at tower. no luck. but i did manage to get under a stone with no inscription. but i want the new one!