Recent content by Pat115

  1. Pat115


  2. Pat115

    Your Song Covers

    New Bloodbath cover
  3. Pat115

    Your Song Covers

    Thanks for the good comments guys \m/ Btw I kept the fisheye effect like that because I film with a Gopro and the quality gets shitty if you convert the video to "normal lens" look.
  4. Pat115

    What are you doing right nao?

    Drinking some rhum (again) while listening to some Steven Wilson and thinking about my uncle we buried today... cancer sucks...
  5. Pat115

    What are you doing right nao?

    Drinking rhum while playing some Hypocrisy for a futur collab with Stefan :)
  6. Pat115

    Your Song Covers

    That sounds awesome Belac :) Here is another Bloodbath cover I just did on bass
  7. Pat115

    What are you doing right nao?

  8. Pat115

    What are you doing right nao?

    About to drive my girlfriend to the airport for her flight to Danemark. It's going to feel weird at home for a couple of weeks. Still there are some upsides like blasting death metal during breakfast \m/
  9. Pat115

    What are you doing right nao?

    Back to work after several weeks of being on a strike. Feels good but I miss all the free time hehe
  10. Pat115

    Your Song Covers

    Thanks man :)
  11. Pat115

    Your Song Covers

    Sure :) That would be cool \m/
  12. Pat115


  13. Pat115

    Your Song Covers

    New Bloodbath cover!
  14. Pat115

    Your Song Covers

    That would be awesome :) I'm ready when you are. Maybe Patrick Spence (Grievor) would do the drums for us. He already did some for a few covers with me in the past.
  15. Pat115

    What are you doing right nao?

    Drinking beer mixed with whisky \m/