Recent content by penance-soiree

  1. penance-soiree

    favorite vocalists

    Female: Katie Jane Garside/Bjork Male: Trent Reznor/ Mike Patton
  2. penance-soiree

    tea or coffee

    coffee, black, lots of sugar. winner.
  3. penance-soiree

    Those ones

    Madness Blur Slipknnnnooooooooooooooooooooot! (back in the hoodie/baggy kex/angsty days) AFI NINE INCH NAILS/The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster - oh yes...... and erm, Dillinger Escape Plan (of late)
  4. penance-soiree

    Reccomend an album

    The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster- 'Horse of The Dog' Mr Bungle- S/T :rock:
  5. penance-soiree

    make a suggestion

    tori.. yay.
  6. penance-soiree


    damn right
  7. penance-soiree


    pyar evil.
  8. penance-soiree

    5 best black metal

    what? me? or Mortiis? either way- fuck off!
  9. penance-soiree

    5 best black metal

    and erm... this is a thread about black metal. sacrificing virgins, worshippin the almighty goat lord and burning down churches etc etc (heh)
  10. penance-soiree

    5 best black metal

    my mum presumed I was goin away in summer. I'll see if i goin anyway. why Istanbul? why not Amsterdam?
  11. penance-soiree

    5 best black metal

    hhmmmm... i doubt i'll go.
  12. penance-soiree

    5 best black metal

    oi! anyway- istanbul? soundies... but wer in college?!
  13. penance-soiree

    5 best black metal I saw them afew months back, absolutely fantastic. Progressive black metal, ace.
  14. penance-soiree

    5 best black metal

    access denied... i would check that out but right now i'm at my mum's work, which happens to be a primary school. God damn internet patrol thingy. I'll ave a mooch when I get home. Not enought BM bands play in UK it takes the piss. Mortiis in september tho! bring on electro goth synth...
  15. penance-soiree

    5 best black metal

    aye. You seen some of those Burzum sites? pyar obsessive Varg worshippers willing to die for him etc. Friggin nutjobs man. His escape attempt made me grin. Akercocke- now theres a band who truly understand Satanism. Ace. Jason's new column in Metal Hammer is worth buyin tha mag for.