Recent content by penguinofwrath

  1. penguinofwrath

    Where abouts is everyone from?

    The grim and frost-bitten wastes of San Antonio, Tx. Favourite band from around here would probably be Absu or Thornspawn.
  2. penguinofwrath

    The Best Blackmetal-albums Ever...?

    I second quite a bit of what has come before, and to it I add: Absurd: Asgardsrei Thornspawn: Blood of Holy Absu: Third Storm of Cyrthraul (as much as I like Tara, I have to go with this one) Ulver: Nattens Madrigal (I don't think this one's been mentioned yet, for some odd reason) In the...
  3. penguinofwrath

    Sexy metal songs..hah

    Marduk- Bleached Bones ...speaking from experience, here...:grin:
  4. penguinofwrath

    Heavy Metal Chicks! Am I the only one?!

    allow me to say... I adore your username :grin: los penguinos estas muy furiosos con todos animales y dicen 'arr'
  5. penguinofwrath

    Heavy Metal Chicks! Am I the only one?!

    Ahh, see, that was more of a joke, because I said I felt like a unicorn since people don't believe I exist and you'd find unicorns in powermetal.... and I'll just stop now... This page has a favourite bands list, as well as a picture: Yes, I am a...
  6. penguinofwrath

    Heavy Metal Chicks! Am I the only one?!

    I really should go get another powermetal cd... I feel like a damn unicorm or bigfoot or something, having to prove I exist all the time... Yes, I like metal. Yes, I am female. Hooray for me
  7. penguinofwrath

    black metal vs. death metal

    Black... did you honestly expect anything else?
  8. penguinofwrath

    Favorite Black Metal Band!!!

    Absu, Absurd, Aeturnus, Asmegin, Axis of Perdition, Bloodgood, Burzum, Ceremonial Castings, (old) Emperor, Eternal Winter, Forgotten Woods, In the Woods, Snowfall, Thornspawn (support the local boys \m/), (old) Ulver, Volkurah, Winter, Winter's Bane... I think that's enough
  9. penguinofwrath

    The most comedic black metal band

    The Almighty Thoth! ok, aside from intentionally comedic ones, I'd have to go with Burzum. Varg's interviews in LoC are hillarious.
  10. penguinofwrath

    Kill your mama....

    That's 'way to go sis', but who's counting;) anyways, my report was well over 15 minutes long.... somewhat of a problem, as it was supposed to be less than 5. I still made a 100 on it, though. The actual 'reporting' was only about 10 minutes, but my report had a question and answer session...
  11. penguinofwrath

    Kill your mama....

    Indeed... I did a report on the history of black metal for my speech class... the dead silence when I finished was the most beautiful sound I ever heard.
  12. penguinofwrath

    Kill your mama....

    Sad as I am to admit it, I sometimes exploit that 'goat-sacrificing, parent-killing, dog-raping' image for personal ammusement. The look on a cheerleaders face after you tell her you sit around in the woods all day 'playing troll' and spend your weekends burning various-and-sundry things is...
  13. penguinofwrath

    What album are you listening to right now?

    In the Woods- A Return to the Isle of Men
  14. penguinofwrath

    Who is Faust?

    he's on In the Nightside Eclipse, the Emperor EP, and the As the Shadows Rise EP
  15. penguinofwrath

    The thing you hate most about metal?

    The people who respond with 'Oh, you're goth, then.' when I say I like metal. Maybe this is just a San Antonio phenomenon? Also, the people who say 'Oh, like Living Color' when I say I like black metal. I hope they don't think they're being cute... Oops, almost forgot one. The people who...