Recent content by PerfectSin

  1. PerfectSin

    Hit or Miss

    miss, sadly i dont own one. :( next person is gonna play warhammer online
  2. PerfectSin

    Hit or Miss

    hit! i've lost everything ranging from sock, boxers and most likely an ex girlfriend in there next person loves his job (no sarcasm)
  3. PerfectSin

    Hit or Miss

    hit! anything home made is awesome! (and yup i'm male, thanks villwoman :p) next person has seen arch enemy live atleast once
  4. PerfectSin

    Hit or Miss

    ummm hit/miss.. no fucken clue.. still too new to this board next person speaks french
  5. PerfectSin

    Hit or Miss

    Hit saw em a couple of years back in montreal. and on the 20th theyre playing a 2.5 hours drive away from me. might check em out again Next person has a wierd allergy
  6. PerfectSin

    Hit or Miss

    miss. it's not their dogs it's them using their choppers late as fuck at night, and early in the morning. loud fucken bikes next person likes to read
  7. PerfectSin

    Hit or Miss

    Hit, pretty sure all the backstreet boys do next person thinks jimmy hendrix is over rated
  8. PerfectSin

    Hit or Miss

    miss, never heard of them but gonna youtube them as soon as i hit enter Next person listens to ebony tears
  9. PerfectSin

    Achtung! AIDS Alert!! African in the vacinity!

    lol most random intro ever welcome aboard Ak
  10. PerfectSin

    Drinking horns?

    bees wax is typically used to coat the inner of the horn. stops the absorbtion, makes it easier to clean, and its non toxic.
  11. PerfectSin

    Hit or Miss

    miss. red heads scare me next person would live in an other country given the chance
  12. PerfectSin

    Hit or Miss

    Hit Next person is exhausted
  13. PerfectSin

    Did you see Lacuna coil last year?

    Saw em in montreal and it was awesome! Seen em a few times, part of the hottest chicks in metal tour, part of the rob zombie tour and a few other times, I'm just too tired to recall what tour it was from last year
  14. PerfectSin

    Anyone going to the montreal show?

    Hey everyone I'm new to the forum, but have been listening to metal and more specifically amon amarth for ages now. I'm gonna be at the montreal show on october 16th, and was wondering if anyone else is gonna be there?
  15. PerfectSin

    Montreal metal head here

    Hey Guys and Gals, Just wanted to introduce myself. I've been browsing the forums for a while now, and finally decided to sign up. I'm from montreal quebec, and have been listening to metal for well over 10 years now. I often go to concerts here in montreal so hopefully i'll see some of you...