Recent content by Persepolis

  1. P

    :lol: is it me or (opeth related)

    Can you imagine Swedish rap?
  2. P

    the now playing thread!

    Arch Enemy - Ravenous
  3. P


    Oooh ooh, and Marillion!!!
  4. P


    Dream Theatre!!! They are amazing!!! Blind Guardian and Bathory are cool too.
  5. P

    Your last album purchase/trade...

    Argh, this thread has alot of posts!!!
  6. P

    what your parents think about the songs you listen to?

    My parents dont like Death Metal either - but as long as I dont blast it out of my speakers they dont mind.
  7. P


    Why is Prometheus called Prometheus? Pr... is a giant who gave his creations (humans) fire, and was then chained to cliff by the big God person (I can't remember his name) for etenity as punishment and the vultures could peck at his liver. But it would grow back over night so they could come...
  8. P

    brutal bands covering heavy classics and other softer songs

    By Celtic Frost? I'm pretty sure that Opeth did a cover of COTT too. Opeth also did a tribute to Iron Maiden - Remember Tomorrow, I'm not sure if it's a IM song because I'm not the biggest IM fan in the world.
  9. P

    Are Tool worth a damn?

    I think the poll results say it all - Tool are amazing.
  10. P


    Cool, so pretty much any one I can get the easiest. Thanks.
  11. P


    Whats different between Aspera Hiems Symfonia and AHS Origional Recording Remastered? Any extra tracks or anything?
  12. P

    Your username...

    The capitol of ancient Babylon. I think. It sounds cool anyway.
  13. P


    I don't own any of their albums, and I'm not sure which one to get first, so which do you recommend?
  14. P


    Prometheus, I think, is an album that would be extremely difficult to beat. As svenske kocken said: "you should stop at the top" and Prometheus was the top. It would have been interesting to see what was after Prometheus had the band stayed together, and if the next album had beaten Prometheus...
  15. P

    Group X

    They are funny!!! Check out They kinda suck though. Oh well.