Recent content by Pharaoh Eddie

  1. Pharaoh Eddie

    Scream for me Irvine!!

    Duh...I almost forgot. So as we're leaving the arena, I spotted none other than The Maidens themselves. We're all being herded toward the exits like the cattle we are, and I turn to my left.....and there they were. Out of 10-20,000 concertgoers, what are the odds?! :cool: Jenny has a good...
  2. Pharaoh Eddie

    Scream for me Irvine!!

    LOL, like we all didn't see that one coming....I was anticipating Dickinson saying it all night. The show rocked!! Many thanks to my good buddy for those last minute VIP tickets, and they were decent seats too! No waiting in lines, convenient parking, and a waiter actually brought beer and...
  3. Pharaoh Eddie

    Come to Florida Maiden!!

    Hehe, my good buddy lives in Florida, and Maiden is his favorite band. As we were driving down to the Irvine show last night, I figured I'd call him up to let him know where we were going. :muahaha: He wanted to kill me, LOL! Yeah, he's always complaining about Maiden never going to Florida...
  4. Pharaoh Eddie

    TERMINATOR 3 is fucking terrible !!!

    YES, glad to see others share my opinion of that crappy Matrix sequel. I'm amazed how many people genuinely liked that movie! I practically fell asleep through half of it.....that dialog.....and too much excitement equates to boredom. I was interested in seeing that 'Pirates' movie until I...
  5. Pharaoh Eddie

    Bruce Chickinson

    That's hilarious, coincidentally I was watching Swingers just last night! Mmmm-hmmm.....I reckon that would be SO money :grin:
  6. Pharaoh Eddie

    Wildest Dreams Video...

    Hehe, it does kind of remind me of the pod race. Yes, George Lucas will sue, he definitely needs more money. :p I like the video, it's the song that just doesn't do it for me. It's finally starting to grow on me, but it just doesn't grab me like some of the older Maiden songs.....I dunno...
  7. Pharaoh Eddie

    Ya know ya wanna do it...

    Haha, so true! Once I started, I couldn't stop until I did it all....but that's due to my obsessive compulsive nature, hehe. I swear, some programmers have way too much time on their hands, yet I can never find enough hours in a day. If I didn't have to, I would never sleep. :loco:
  8. Pharaoh Eddie

    Number of the Beast cover

    Hey CrankYanker, thanks for the info. I found out that Corgan was credited with the song, but was confused because it didn't sound like his voice. Now it makes sense. I didn't even know the movie had come out, I thought the site was promoting a soon-to-be-released movie. :grin:
  9. Pharaoh Eddie

    Number of the Beast cover

    Check out this site to hear an "interesting" cover of Maiden's Number of the Beast. Funny thing is, a friend randomly emailed me the link to check out this movie, and I wasn't really paying attention to the background music. But then I heard the chorus, and I was like, "WHAT THE...?!?" :tickled...
  10. Pharaoh Eddie

    Happy Birthday Michael Kenney!

    Wow, talk about your obscure trivia! And here I thought I was a fan. LOL, how do you know this stuff? I've been listening to Maiden since '86, and I'm ashamed to say I've never even heard that name. Either that, or I knew it as a teenager and have long since forgotten. :p
  11. Pharaoh Eddie

    Songs to hear at next Maidens show

    Excellent!! :worship: Thank you, 3 out of 7 is better than I had hoped for. I look forward to the next few shows. :rock:
  12. Pharaoh Eddie

    Songs to hear at next Maidens show

    OK, so here's my wish list: :Spin: ProwlerPhantom of the OperaRevelationsStill LifeFlash of the BladeStranger in a Strange Land (love that middle guitar/bass part)Infinite DreamsI'm genuinely surprised that I have yet to hear Revelations played at any of the shows, that song is such a classic...
  13. Pharaoh Eddie

    Songs to hear at next Maidens show

    YES, YES!! I LOVE Phantom of the Opera, it's one of my favorites! I can't wait to hear you play it.:hotjump: Infinite Dreams is such a beautiful song as well, I'd love to hear either one of those.
  14. Pharaoh Eddie

    Ahhnold to run for Cali Governor

    Hehe, that ought to be interesting....but seriously....Angelyne?!?! To call her a "has been" would be an insult to genuine has-beens. Actually, now that I think about it, she never "was"!! What was she famous for anyway?! Oh yeah, DD's and 10lbs of make-up. :rolleyes: I've seen her a...
  15. Pharaoh Eddie

    this drummer.........holy crap

    Alice Cooper I can appreciate, but Ted Nugent?! I could never understand why this guy had a career. I remember watching this hour-long special on his life story on some TV show, and they were playing his "hits" in the background. His claim to fame is "Cat Scratch Fever", what a joke...