Recent content by Phil The Void

  1. Phil The Void

    Iced Earth is back!

    What I don't understand is, why post on an Iced Earth board if you clearly do not like the band at all? I mean, I have no desire to go to a forum about a band that I don't care for and talk about how terrible they are. Why bother? Obviously, the premise that IE are a crap band is not a valid...
  2. Phil The Void

    Iced Earth No Longer A 'Band?'

    Another impressive analysis. It's nice to hear an objective opinion that isn't corrupt with bias or prejudice. Maybe someday Jon will be expsosed as the psycopathic Nazi he really is. :rolleyes:
  3. Phil The Void

    Iced Earth is back!

    You are so right. Iron Maiden is way faster, heavier, and more aggressive than IE. Plus, Maiden didn't come from the the U.S., which means they are automatically better. :Smug:
  4. Phil The Void

    Iced Earth is back!

    I heard the new stuff and think it sounds great, although very reminiscient of The Glorious Burden. Does anyone here even like Tim Owens? I feel like I'm the only one who prefers Owens to Barlow.