Recent content by phisk

  1. P

    X50 v2.0

    Thank you, Sir :D
  2. P

    Slate new subscription licence debate.

    To my understanding paying annually $240 equals a $200 voucher each year. ( Very cheap plugin feed :) (and a free ilok is in included in the subscription, too) This is a very aggressive marketing move. Let's see how the competitors respond.
  3. P

    New Gear at NAMM 2015

    Stop paying supcriptions -> stop opening projects properly.
  4. P

    Recabinet 4 (Thermionik) vs TSE X50 V2.3

    Did you use X50 V2.3 or 2.0.x? :)
  5. P

    Thermionik Amp Modeler Plugin by Kazrog LLC

    Ok, i'll buy two of these :lol:
  6. P

    Revalver IV coming 19th August

    pedal "greener" -> tweak schematic -> exchange op amp (look for a triangular symbol) => modded greener
  7. P

    Revalver IV coming 19th August

    Your revalver file seems to be a little bit dry ;) Edit: solved :)
  8. P

    Fractal Axe Fx Cliff Chase & Scott Peterson announce new NSA censorship software

    Only fractal zealots are allowed at that forum. :Shedevil: Saddest forum ever. :hahamiddlefinger:
  9. P

    VoS + TDR = SlickEQ

    very nice eq
  10. P

    Thermionik Amp Modeler Plugin by Kazrog LLC

    Bogner Uberschall :)
  11. P

    Peavey ReValver 4

    Rev 4 is a completely new code base. -> (completely) new bugs :lol:
  12. P

    X50 v2.0

    about the "missing" impulses.. there is a scrollbar ;)
  13. P

    X50 v2.0

    nevermind :) found a solution: i set aqualaser hishelf starting point to 2k. And let the daw load that as default. Now knobs work as expected. @Onqel: if the hishelf is set to 0 db will the band be processed or not?
  14. P

    TSE X50 V2 vs TSE X50 V1 comparison

    V2 is much better, me likes very :rock:
  15. P

    X50 v2.0

    I would like have the option of a more conservative knob behaviour of the aqualaser eq :)