Recent content by Pitstarter

  1. P

    O/T Glasgow Gigs!

    That's a good point. I don't know. I'll need to ask my girlfriend about that, I'm sure there she bought an opeth cd a few weeks ago...
  2. P

    O/T Glasgow Gigs!

    Is Opeth for me on Friday. Haven't heard much Opeth yet, girlfriend wants to go, so off I toddle...!
  3. P

    I just saw Anthrax!

    Ooooooo I dispute that good sir!!! I was shouting it quite a lot, but my voice kinda dwindled during the evening's entertainment! Anyway, did you not see my mate hoisting my saltire up during black lodge? I scrawled 'C'mon The Anthrax' across that!!!
  4. P

    anthrax in glasgow

    And I've even dug out my '91 Bring The Noise tour jams! Hope they still fit! Look out for fat guy, jams (hopefully) and a red bull or other daft white t-shirt! Form an orderly queue for the crowdsurf launch, place left foot on my right thigh and you right foot in my hands, and we'll get you...
  5. P

    anthrax in glasgow

    MON THE ANTHRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAX!!!! See you all in the pit, it looks like just about all the old school catty pit crew are coming out of retirement for this one! The last two times I saw the band play (Oct 98 London, Armadildo last year) I couldn't pit, so I've got a bit to catch up on! Mind...
  6. P

    anthrax UK tour

    Woo-Hoo! Got my tickets for the glasgow gig on sunday there. The 'Frax in the Garage. Oh lovely, nice and up close in the pit. 'MON THE ANTHRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAX!' PS don't suppose anyone taped the Anthrax set on TotalRock last week?
  7. P

    Okay guys I saw Anthrax Tonight!

    Never been to a gig in the QMU, been to a few of the Bedlam goth nights, much fun and drinking to be done! Friends sis getting guest list for us, if she can wangle it, so getting shouldn't be a problem (famous last words), just don't know when it is! We just said yes when asked if we wanted...
  8. P

    Okay guys I saw Anthrax Tonight!

    Well, I'll be at the Road Rage gig in the Catty, probably the Disturbed one too. When's the Tenacious D gig? I've got guest list but I don't even know when it is yet!!! Anyone fancy running a competition for 'design a t-shirt' for us to wear? :)
  9. P

    Okay guys I saw Anthrax Tonight!

    Hmm... Anyone want to make up some 'MON THE ANTHRAX tee's for the gig next year ;) I'd wear one! Think this needs to be a during gig battlecry! Did anyone hear the Anthrax interview on Total Rock today, with Matt Mason? I've recorded it, but haven't got round to listening to it yet.
  10. P

    Okay guys I saw Anthrax Tonight!

    Oops, Jockthrax forgot to add in 'I Am The Law' to the set list too! Or, at least, I hope that's what I was singing and stomping along to! Still top notch. Nae luck Biased, trust me, if and when the mighty Frax return to Glas-a-go, and play a mosh-friendly venue, I'll be there to get the...
  11. P

    Okay guys I saw Anthrax Tonight!

    Dunno about the Motorwho (only kidding!) t-shirts, but the Anthrax ones were as follows... First up was Metallus Maximus, a circular motif with a snake as the border, eagle across a US flag, Anthrax logo near bottom of circle, and Always Forever round the bottom. The Not Man makes a wee...
  12. P

    Okay guys I saw Anthrax Tonight!

    Just saw the mighty Frax gig too! Top notch, but very surreal, being an all seated gig. Not fun. A lucky few made it to the front, but there wasn't much pitting going on by the look of things. I was stuck in row 'N', but we had a nice clear area, so I spent some of the 'frax set just stomping...
  13. P

    UK gigs supporting Motorhead

    Oh yeah, need to resize that avatar, looking a bit fuzzy! Yep it's a Madcat! I play (well used to) MechCommander online in Clan Wolf ages ago, I'd love to get back into it, if anyone is willing for a game on gamespy...
  14. P

    UK gigs supporting Motorhead

    I hate you all. :) Nah, at least some of us can go express ourselves! All we can do is hope against hope that the gig is moved to another venue! If not, then everyone pit that wee bit harder just for my sake! Especially if they do the medely that includes Indians like they did on the Vol 8...
  15. P

    2 songs i would love to see in anthrax headlining gig

    It's got to be Indians and I Am The Law for me, both top notch tunes that used to be part of a tradition in the old metal clubs in Glasgow, Scotland... that's sadly getting rarer now, thanks to the DJ being an arse! He's went all 'commerical rock' now.