Recent content by pixiesfan

  1. pixiesfan

    new kayo bootlegz

  2. pixiesfan

    the straight dope on midgetville

    great post.
  3. pixiesfan

    oregon/night of fungi peeps

    awesome. if you guys are looking for a place outside of LA there is a great venue in Riverside that reminded me a lot of Garfield Artworks. no PA or anything like that though. and i'm sure you have plenty of contacts out here for places to stay.. but if...
  4. pixiesfan

    oregon/night of fungi peeps

    was the band planning on any southern california shows?
  5. pixiesfan

    kayo dot represents pitchfork music's indie cred

    i think the main thing is for some reason kids into hardcore and punk also really like kayo dot. therefore, kayo dot gets a lot of coverage in the same form that most punk and hardcore get. maybe it is because of the labels kayo dot has been associated with.
  6. pixiesfan


    if any former members of motW have any ideas about the context of those demos i'd love to hear about them.
  7. pixiesfan


    someone kept on messaging me for the progwest set. so here it is: i threw in a set of demos. featuring such classics as Dandy Horns!
  8. pixiesfan

    Some Poker-playing Canuck...

    why not just fund this album through some kind of joint deal involving a reality tv show?
  9. pixiesfan

    ! my solo project !

    Memoir of the Plane feat. guest advice spot from Alex Driver
  10. pixiesfan

    Question regarding scores/tabs

    midi doom metal is the best idea ever.
  11. pixiesfan

    i'm totally going to newbury comics today to buy the new kayo dot

    i think the real question is did they really sell 25,000 pillow cases.
  12. pixiesfan

    the best part about having a girlfriend who has access to the BC roleplaying board

    forum drama is about as good as green gatorade.
  13. pixiesfan

    ok this could become my favorite new site for awhile

    how is his skin like that? its like he is red.
  14. pixiesfan

    New Album

    20,000+ are just Coheed and Cambria fans.
  15. pixiesfan

    POLL: what's going on *here*

    i read this as dissection and then thought of why there hasn't been a pro-animal rights black metal band yet.