Recent content by plamjah

  1. P

    About the t-shirts

    Will they be available anywhere else besides the Internet? Also, would be nice to know are they how big sized.. I mean, if the size "small" fits also a bit larger person and size "extra large" could be used as a tent? :> I'm not talking about girlie-shirts.
  2. P

    Introduce yourself here

    I'm 18 years old, I first listened to Katatonia about 2 years ago when my friend gave a CD with their songs.. Since then I've bought some albums and now I'm really looking forward to the new material. On this forum, I am very new member, been here only couple of weeks and posted almost nothing...
  3. P

    Ensimmäinen ''kunnon fanitus'' bändisi?

    Hah, itse innostuin joskus tokaluokkalaisena Nylon Beatista ja Catcatistä. Oli jotain ysärin puoliväliä. Jossain välissä oli Spaissaritkin. Sittemmin aloin hurjaksi ja hurahdin Tyrävyöhön (kuudennella luokalla, joskus vuosituhannen vaihteessa). Tässä tämä musiikkimaku sitten edelleen kokoajan...
  4. P

    best kata song

    For me, Sulfur was the first Katatonia song to catch me. Then at some point came a great Evidence-season, and at last summer I listened to The future of speech like a crazy. Also Omerta somehow touches me.. But then again, My twin could be from my current situation. So, the list just might be...
  5. P

    New website coming?

    I've been wondering if there's a new site coming. Has there been any information about that or have I just missed it? At the moment there's not much to read.. Also, is there any news about following gigs?