Recent content by playboy

  1. P

    Festive thoughts

    Merry Christmas guys, hope to see you back at Bloodstock very soon xxxxx
  2. P

    Bloodstockers! Who In The Hell Are You?

    I hardly feel beckham is a 'Thick Fucker' !! Personally I would say he is a very clever talented Bloke who has done his country proud !! I am able to easily establish the kids on this message board from the adults, by the way in which you write your posts, too many hormones, frustrated little...
  3. P

    "I know you from the forums! I'll get us a pint!"

    The old institute is a pub playing r n b and pop, trust me I know Derby quite well !!!
  4. P

    "I know you from the forums! I'll get us a pint!"

    I should said nowt ....... then let you go in there for abit Justin trousersnake !! Cry me a river ..........
  5. P

    "I know you from the forums! I'll get us a pint!"

  6. P

    "I know you from the forums! I'll get us a pint!"

    There is a pub in Derby, very near the Assembly rooms called Hob Goblin, and its a pub playing just chart and rnb music !!
  7. P

    "I know you from the forums! I'll get us a pint!"

    mmmm........ If you all mean the hob goblin pub in Derby, I don t really think its your seen !! If you like RnB, P Diddy, Jay Z, Beyonce, you will like hob goblin alot !!!!
  8. P

    Places to stay

    One of the closest hotels to the Assembly rooms is the Pennine hotel. its about a 2-3 minute walk from the assembly rooms, lots of rooms, fairly priced and no taxis needed!!
  9. P

    Just noticed something on the new Nightwish image...

    I have to say, as a female complimenting another, Tanja is a very stunning lady. ( And no I am not a lesbian before you all start !!)
  10. P

    The line up this year

    Can I ask, why do you think the line up will change ??? why should it ??
  11. P

    Angra For 04??

    I :yell: :yell: think Angra would be F***** excellent at Bloodstock!!
  12. P

    What made you laugh at Bloodstock?

    I have to say I thought the guy in tjhe long red coat looked excellent, he sooo suited that look, and his girlfriend looked great too. I dare nt say otherwise he might out a curse on me or something!!!
  13. P

    Ides Of March - New Festival!

    If you went in the signing area, all the paintings in there were for bands album covers, IE: saxon, molly hathet, Blind Guardian etc, he has done album covers for heavy metal bands for years.
  14. P

    essential elements of power metal

    Jesus Christ You Lot Calm Down!!!!!!
  15. P

    Ides Of March - New Festival!

    hehehheehhe ( just got the joke, abit slow sorry)