Recent content by point357

  1. P


    thanks, necromancy!
  2. P

    Submit your demo

    fuck! that online submission thing is sweet... thanks for that... I'd be nice to submit up to 3 tracks, but shit, that makes life a little easier for everyone, I'd think. Smart thinking Earache!
  3. P

    .357 - Terror Grind

    Hope you guys like this offering... A fucking agressive mix of grind plus black metal... well worth your time, I think. Feedback?
  4. P


    I'm James, the drummer for the grind band .357 I'm also a big metal-head, and am pretty stoked to be on the UM forums... They look big and busy (ahhh the shiny lights). My fellow band members may also be using this account to post, but it'll primarily be me. At...