Recent content by polins

  1. P

    Trains - Porcupine Tree (Acoustic Piano Cover)

    Hi everyone, Since I guess that some people here listens to Porcupine Tree, I'd like to show and get feedback from a piano cover I recorded from Trains, one of their best songs in my opinion. That's all, hope you like it! Besides, this is a cover I did from Lazarus, another Porcupine Tree...
  2. P

    Northland's debut album released! (folk death metal)

    Up! I hope more people can listen to our album and give us feedback. Thanks!
  3. P

    Northland's debut album released! (folk death metal)

    Hi everybody! I'm the keyboard player of Northland, a Folk Death Metal band from Barcelona (Spain), and it's good news to announce that we have finally realeased our debut album via the german label Black Bards Entertainment. I don't know if it's already being sold in America, but as far as...
  4. P

    Northland's debut album released! (folk death metal)

    I'll add some links to the songs already uploaded on youtube. This way you can listen to some stuff before getting the album! Northland Old Town's Inn Where The Heroes Die Withering Rose Revenge (+intro)
  5. P

    Northland's debut album released! (folk death metal)

    Hi everybody! I'm the keyboard player of Northland, a Folk Death Metal band from Barcelona (Spain), and it's good news to announce that we have finally realeased our debut album via the german label Black Bards Entertainment. I don't know if it's already being sold in America, but as far as...
  6. P

    Me playing Kissing the shadows on keyboard

    Hi! I'd like to know what do you think about this song. I know it's power metal (and well, it's "midi converted to mp3" sound), but well, probably some of here like that style too. Thanks! :)
  7. P

    Me playing Kissing the shadows on keyboard

    Joder, quin susto, ara em pensava que estava tenint alucinacions (català al fòrum de CoB? xD). Com has deduït que soc català? (ara que m'hi fixo, suposu que pels comentaris del video) PD: Right now I've a new band, and I've proposed to play "Kissing the shadows" as a cover. I hope all the...
  8. P

    Me playing Kissing the shadows on keyboard

    Seems that you have discovered my secret...are you gonna call the police? :ill: You are almost right... In fact I usually use it for playing tetris. IN FACT I'm not playing that song, I'm playing tetris, but I'm bored of using common controllers, so I use my keyboard for moving the pieces...
  9. P

    Me playing Kissing the shadows on keyboard That's all! Hope you like it.
  10. P

    Official buying advice thread

    Well, I've been looking for some stuff and I've found nice keyboards. Korg X-50 and Korg PR61 (which in fact is a Triton's cousin) are the ones I think are best ones. Yamaha MO6 and MM6 are nice too, but since I already have a Yamaha Tyros, I think it would be almost the same. All of them are...
  11. P

    Nice keyboard for playing metal?

    I have posted this there too, but since this forum seems to be a lot more active, I guessed someone here could be keyboard player, so well, if someone here can help me too, I'd be really pleased. Thanks a lot!
  12. P

    Official buying advice thread

    Hi everyone! Well, I already have a Yamaha Tyros, and I really like it, but it's insanely heavy and I think it's a crap taking it every time to the rehearsals. Since I have this problem, I've been looking for a light keyboard (less than 6-7 kg), so that I can take it to the rehearsals...
  13. P

    Nice keyboard for playing metal?

    Hi everyone! Well, I already have a Yamaha Tyros, and I really like it, but it's insanely heavy and I think it's a crap taking it every time to the rehearsals. Since I have this problem, I've been looking for a light keyboard (less than 6-7 kg), so that I can take it to the rehearsals...
  14. P

    Downfall on bass We can play the song together. Now we need a drummer and two guitar players. Someone wants to try? XD
  15. P

    Downfall played on keyboard

    I know that sound is pretty shit, but since my camera is awful for recording and it's the only one I have, so I can't do nothing better yet. The lead tone? You mean the one in the intro and some other parts? Well, I was looking for some tones there, and no one seemed to be the best one, so I...