Recent content by Princess Jenna

  1. Princess Jenna

    Let The Countdown Begin!!!

    I hope everyone has a great time. Take lots of pics so I can see. I won't be able to go this year, yet again. But I'm trying to scheme up a way to make it to the Kick Off.
  2. Princess Jenna

    Kamelot- Atlanta show thoughts (setlist spoilers)

    The show was absolutely amazing. I loved getting a chance to jam out with old (and new) friends. :)
  3. Princess Jenna

    Phantom of the Opera (Floor Jansen & Russell Allen)

    i love this song. && the movie. =]
  4. Princess Jenna

    ProgPower USA Merchandise

    i love the idea of merch being available year-round. there are so many items i'd love to buy, but it sucks being small and having to carry everything around with you during the shows. lol. i would definitely buy some car stickers. big ones and small ones. i like decorating my car. and...
  5. Princess Jenna

    What's your first concert of 2009?

    Mine will most likely be Evergrey. Then Volbeat. Thats all I know so far.
  6. Princess Jenna

    Evergrey..Live in Atlanta: March 12th- Limited tickets on sale NOW

    Woohooooo only like an hour away. =]
  7. Princess Jenna

    Circus Maximus video

    Thanks so much for posting the video. I can't wait til Septemberrr!!!!!
  8. Princess Jenna

    ProgPower USA IX Dates

    Thanks! Looking for hotels now.
  9. Princess Jenna

    Best Of Friday Poll

    Pagan's Mind owned. Raintime owned second.
  10. Princess Jenna

    Official All-Star Jam Set Discussion

    I honesty think that the All Star Jam was the best part of the weekend, minus the nearly naked chick. Lol. Maybe its just cause I'm a girl and I'm kinda weird about my boyfriend watching that stuff; I'd rather him see only me naked, ya know? Lol. But it was alright. Anyways, next year ya'll...
  11. Princess Jenna

    ProgPower USA IX Roster Discussion

    Next year's roster is amazing. It'll sell out in like 5 minutes. Woohoo! And there's still two bands to be named!! (Kamelot anyone? lol) Any ideas about when PP will take place next year, back in September or October again?
  12. Princess Jenna

    Corsets: OT sort of

    I was too broke to go buy a new corset so I'll either wear the one I wore last year (the one in my pic) or just wear a regular tee. I'll probably end up wearing the corset though. Its tradition lol. I wish I had a new one though. Oh well.
  13. Princess Jenna

    what is your age bracket?

    18...oh yeah
  14. Princess Jenna

    Now Reading...

    I'm currently re-reading my favorite book. Forever Amber by Kathleen Winsor. Its amazing. Check it out!
  15. Princess Jenna

    Help me pick an apartment

    I totally agree with the above. The 2nd sounds like the best option.