Recent content by Progdude123

  1. P

    Me Doing A FingerWeights Demo.....

    You can view it at 256 or 512. So here it is.
  2. P

    Best amp for metal?

    ENGL or Framus if you have mega $$$$ Heres some clips For practice the Roland Cube 60s are the absolute best! I have 2!
  3. P

    FT: EBMM Axis For EBJP7 or Jem7vw or UV777BK

    Im toying around with the idea of trading my Ernie Ball Music Man Axis guitar for a JP 7 string (must have Piezos) or an Ibanez 7VWH JEM (must have Lo-Pro and Ebony Board) Or Ibanez UV777BK (must have Lo-Pro 7 Trem.) Im working on pics at the moment. Hope to have some up later tonight...
  4. P

    Worst metal albums of all time

    I agree!!!!! But add System of a down, and everything metallica did after the black album. and the world needs a hero by megadeth.
  5. P

    Duncan live wire metal

    Ive played the Live Wires and they are very powerful and toneless. They sound bad. If you want to hear them check out Tom Hess. He uses them in his Carvin V220s. I never liked the tone nor do I like his tone. but what you hear in his recordings are the Live Wires.
  6. P

    MJR's tone on Twilight in Olympus

    yea it was EMG 81s and a Triaxis.
  7. P

    Cool Guitars For Sale!!!!!
  8. P

    Most beutiful moment in prog metal.

    Green Day- When I come around. Actually I think DT- The Silent Man (once in a live time version) DT- The Spirit Carries On
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    I just got into Opeth and they seem pretty damn cool!!! But I have to wonder what they sing about?
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    OT: Your Top 3 "Most beautiful girls"

    I dont dig the goth chicks. I like Next Door Nikki Elisha Cuthburt Shannon Elizabeth Devon And Jenine Garafalo
  11. P

    Hey Guys! Im new heres my gear!!!!!

    Rain sticks are cool.
  12. P

    Hey Guys! Im new heres my gear!!!!!

    Im looking into electrifying the Digeree doo.
  13. P

    Hey Guys! Im new heres my gear!!!!!

    Finally some one asks about the Kazoo!!! IT rips!!! I am a total shredder with the kazoo!!! I plug it into my rack and use some distortion and delay and reverb and even some wah sometimes and it has awesome tone!!!!
  14. P

    Hey Guys! Im new heres my gear!!!!!

    well sure if a there is a guitar that looks hot and one thats not so hot Im prob going to check out the hot one first.