Recent content by PSYCHO MAN 13

  1. PSYCHO MAN 13

    dark roots of thrash bluray

    How much did you pay? On NB's site. They want more for shipping to the US than the thing costs
  2. PSYCHO MAN 13

    dark roots of thrash bluray

    Anyone know where I can get the blu-Ray steelbbook? I can't find it anywhere online anymore. I'm in the USA and will probably have to import.
  3. PSYCHO MAN 13

    Live In London...What has better sound? CD or DVD?

    Just curious as to what has better sound...the CD or the DVD. I own the DVD and want to rip the audio from the disc to put on my ipod but if the CD sounds better I'll just buy the CD. Opinoins? Thanks, PM13
  4. PSYCHO MAN 13

    Trail Of Tears

    I've had the good fortune of seeing this song live. It was on the Low tour in Chicago in Nov '94 at the Vic Theater. Its the only time I saw it live and i'm pretty sure Chuck said on Stage it was the first or second time they had played it live. I was going nuts when they announed the song...
  5. PSYCHO MAN 13


    Just got done watching the Live in London DVD and I NEED to see you guys! It's been WAY to long! The only Testament show I've ever missed in Chicago since 1988 was the 2003 or 4 Halford tour. Please bring the origianl line up back to Chi Town PLEASE!
  6. PSYCHO MAN 13

    Testament, James Murphy, and Disincarnate!

    hhhmmmm....I just figured since this was the James Murphy forum and he post here that I would get an answer. Silly me.
  7. PSYCHO MAN 13

    Testament, James Murphy, and Disincarnate!

    Still looking for an answer.
  8. PSYCHO MAN 13

    Testament, James Murphy, and Disincarnate!

    Hey, I was wondering for quite awhile now how Testament originally hooked up with James Murphy. I am a HUGE fan of Murphy and have been since the early nineties. I remember getting the Disincarnate album the day it was released. I remember James saying he was going to do another Disincarnate...
  9. PSYCHO MAN 13


    That's great to hear James. I cannot wait my friend. I just recently picked up the reissue of DOTCK to replace my scratched original. What a great album, I still love it as much as the first day I heard it. What can we expect with the new one? What's the line up? Thanks, PM13
  10. PSYCHO MAN 13

    Testament, James Murphy, and Disincarnate!

    Come on! Someone has to know something!
  11. PSYCHO MAN 13

    Testament, James Murphy, and Disincarnate!

    Hey, I was wondering for quite awhile now how Testament originally hooked up with James Murphy. I am a HUGE fan of Murphy and have been since the early nineties. I remember getting the Disincarnate album the day it was released. I remember James saying he was going to do another Disincarnate...
  12. PSYCHO MAN 13

    Testament coming to Chicago? Please?

    When will you guys be hitting the windy city again? It's been WAY too long, man. Testament always puts on a great show in Chicago. I've seen just about everyshow show since '89. The best have been: 1990 at the Rosemont Horizon with Judas Priest and Megadeth 1991 with Slayer at the Aragon...
  13. PSYCHO MAN 13

    Leave Louie's drumming skills alone!

    I never had a problem with Louie or his skills. I've been around long enopugh to have been able to see them back in the day many times, and for this I am thankful. I could go either way on his permanent return to the fold. It's true there are better drummers, but Louie is NOT a bad drummer...