Recent content by Pure_evul

  1. Pure_evul

    some of you will shart when you hear this

    Thank you Warrel, you helped me achieve multiple orgasms.
  2. Pure_evul

    release date for the Obsidian conspiracy?

    Holy fuck. I feel like my IQ has actually gone up a few points.
  3. Pure_evul


    I am guessing it's the left one
  4. Pure_evul


    I am, but I still can't understand what's going on. Maybe it is because the thread title suits me right now?
  5. Pure_evul

    Happy Birthday NoLordy!

    Happy birthday. :)
  6. Pure_evul


    I am confused. :(
  7. Pure_evul

    release date for the Obsidian conspiracy?

    I don't know if I can trust this. Anyone can edit, just like Wikipedia that was mentioned earlier. It would be nice if Warrel could enlighten us on this matter. :)
  8. Pure_evul

    Sanctuary cd's to be re-released

    I was about to say something among the lines of "Holy fuck, this is awesome", but after Warrel's reply I am kinda pissed. I am still looking forward to it though.
  9. Pure_evul

    release date for the Obsidian conspiracy?

    That reply was so helpful, thanks man :p
  10. Pure_evul

    release date for the Obsidian conspiracy?

    April? APRIL?! You have got to be kidding me. All this time I thought it would be released some time between January and February. My 2010 is ruined now. Where did you see the April thing?
  11. Pure_evul

    I had to euthanize my dog

    Well, all I can say is that at least your dog lived a great life filled with love, care and the warmth of a house. Moreover, she passed away with her best friend by her side, certain that she was never alone. If you could talk to her, I am sure she would have no complaints and would thank you...
  12. Pure_evul

    Who gets the last word in?

    Uhm....Snoochie Boochies?
  13. Pure_evul

    It's been too long since the last kitty picture thread.

    Cats usually stick their tongues out when they are absorbed by something they are seeing or when something stinks. However, my cat also just sticks his tongue out for no reason. Maybe they're just weird as hell? :D
  14. Pure_evul

    What do you want for Christmas?

    I don't ask for much. I just want a freaking piece of paper. Mediamarkt's ownership rights. Nothing more.
  15. Pure_evul

    IIT we discuss how awesome In Flames used to be

    Yeah. I mainly listen to melodic death metal, so I really still can't get over how much In Flames suck nowadays. Those guys defined a whole fucking genre, then proceeded to become emo and have album covers with guys ripping their hearts out and offering them to an imaginary girl. Ugh. I don't...