Recent content by Puritanic

  1. Puritanic

    Where the hell is LOPEZ the Idol? for marx's sake!!!

    i have searched in here about him i could not find ANY useful info about him. maybe i suck on searching i dunno but who cares! We want any useful info wth is he doing right now. OR We want a tread about him that gives info about him. (you may say: "who we?" < pass that one...> or...
  2. Puritanic

    Opeth in Turkey on 19th of April 2009 !

    That link <biletix> cannot just be A GUARANTEE! there is no sign proves that "Opeth is coming to Turkey!" in official site, in upcoming events part... dont actually trust that biletix bulshit... So... imo we need a word of any...
  3. Puritanic

    Concerts - 2008

    they are comin to turkiye in june 22!!! the same fest with opeth
  4. Puritanic

    Opeth is comin to Turkey(2008)?

    There is a rumour that Opeth is coming to Turkey this year.What do u (members from Turkey) think bout this rumour? Is it true or bullshit? If St. Mike also clarifies this question:notworthy,it will be better ...
  5. Puritanic

    The New album is called Watershed : Out June 2nd

    erm uhmm ooaam know u are absolutely fuckin right mike is near us in our brains veins forum.poah. The popular culture makes all the people to set up a fuckin facialbook group.I really did not wanna do that but the conditions forced me to do.sobb(what what what):waah: And i have no...
  6. Puritanic

    The New album is called Watershed : Out June 2nd

    there is a group that waits for the album The group is edited and set up today.We don't want all the opeth funs in here.Wait wait we just want the Opeth funs that can't stand still and get mad about the news that are about "Watershed". That means all the members will be informed about the...