Recent content by QantmRckr

  1. Q

    Your favorite genre

    Yeah, I voted Epic Metal, but they all are great..... I just saw Quo Vadis last night..... Kick ass Melodic Death Metal Quo Vadis Website... They really fucking Kick A$$... Check out "I Believe" and "Shores of Ithaca"
  2. Q

    Does anyone here use Tonos?

    LOL...Yeah...I've got a couple of tunes posted there, although I only use it as a front for my real project: to find the good musicians amongst the wannabes there (and there are a lot of wannabes there). Anyways...I like some of their setup, but it lacks quite a lot...
  3. Q

    ANYBODY INTO QUEEN'S hard rock era?

    Hell...yah...I was listening to some Queen yesterday thinking the same thing.....I'm into doing any cool Queen tunes as well.... Although I'm a bassist, Brian May is one of my guitar heros.
  4. Q

    The One You Love to Hate

    I'll be pumping out another version of the bass track since I fixed my peak levels and went back to Samplitude for the recording interface....much better...after getting a better version of this, I'll be practicing Transylvania/Strange World a bit. Hailz to all my metalhead brothers and...