Recent content by Quezacotl

  1. Quezacotl

    Recommend me some wanky tasteless metal

    How about: Anal Cunt Cattle Decapitation pretty much any other grindcore band Cradle of Filth Children of Bodom Slayer Manowar Deicide and many more I can't think of right now.
  2. Quezacotl

    Antithesis of Opeth in your collection

    First two albums of the Spice Girls (no joke) Aqua - Aquarium ( again no joke) Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory Limp Bizkit - The Chocolate blablabla Rage Against the Machine - Rage Against the Machine Why I still have any of these albums, I don't know.:err:
  3. Quezacotl

    The Recommend A Metal Album Thread

    If these have been recommended before, I don't care. They deserve the recognition. Lykathea Aflame - Elvenfris If you like brutal and melodic death metal, then you will love this, because this really is both. To bad they only released one album before splitting up. Estatic Fear...
  4. Quezacotl

    favorite/least favorite song from each opeth album?

    Orchid: Favorite: In Mist She Was Standing Least Favorite: The Twilight Is My Robe Morningrise: Favorite: To Bid You Farewell Least Favorite: Black Rose Immortal My Arms, Your Hearse: Favorite: When Least Favorite: eeehm, if I had to pick one it'd be Karma, I guess :( Still Life...