Recent content by Racerdeth

  1. R

    ENGL e-530

    I've got one, I love the thing, the speaker simmed output is rather effin' good too!
  2. R

    Bass pickups

    I'd been wondering why I'd been struggling to get a nice bass sound for ages and ages - then I found it. My pickups suck! I'm gonna get some EMGs methinks. A 45DC and a 45J (it's only a 4 string bass but Ibanez decided to whack some fat mammajammas in there!) Anyone had any experience of...
  3. R

    my latest work (still in progress)

    BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! If you don't mind me asking, what's the entire process behind the bass sound, it's nasty whilst sitting pleasantly.
  4. R

    Metallica - My Apocalypse

    It sounds like a demo track. Even just a hint of verb'd probably do something for it.
  5. R

    protest the hero - fortress

    It's a good album, some awesome riffage abound. I still prefer Kezia, god I love that album.
  6. R

    Anyone using NS Kit 7?

    Hey guys, having since formatting my computer and losing my copy of kontakt i decided to give HALion another go. Turns out the HALion presets I got on my NS Kit DVDs are duff, so i'm just seeing if anyone on here uses it and if so, whether they'd be willing to email me the HALion presets folder...
  7. R

    Dream Theater "Images & Words" 2007 Remix

    Dang, this is one interesting thread to read! Here's one for you.... Dream Theater are my favourite band evarrrr..... and I *HATE* awake (6 o clock, the mirror and lie excluded) AAAAND I love systematic chaos! It's the first "heavy" one that's done anything for me...
  8. R

    I thought there was already a thread for recording Bass Guitar.

    I've managed to bodge a reasonably pleasing noise using of all things NI Guitar Rig 2 using a crossover with the lows into the SVT model and the highs into a distorted JCM800 model with highs and lows filtered out.
  9. R

    Recording guitar with a Boss GT8

    I use a GT-PRO and desperately need to set up some patches for recording via SPDIF, all my patches at the mo are created with FX return of my TSL in mind and sound a bit pap with the speaker sim on etc. Tried disabling and using impulses to no avail alas, could've just been me being 'tarded...
  10. R

    Sennheiser e606

    Cool. Cheers for your opinions guys :)
  11. R

    Power amp - could i get away with...

    Running a crate powerblock into my v30 2x12? Seeing as v30s clock in at 65 watts making it a 130 watt cab and the powerblock's a 150 watt amp? Worth the risk or have i just totally misread the maths/science?
  12. R

    Sennheiser e606

    I've seen these used on guitar cabs live rather often, but it seems the 57 seems to rule the roost in the studio. Has anyone used the e606 on guitar cabs in the studio, or does the frequency response simply suit live guitars better? Cheers Nick.
  13. R

    Any D Activator users?

    I tried out the Ibanez Xiphos which comes with these bad boys, I liked the bridge very much but the neck pickup wasn't quite juicy enough for me. However I was playing through a different setup to what I'd normally use so opinions may vary.
  14. R

    Death metal mixed and mastered

    That's fucking superb man.
  15. R

    Great sounding records withOUT samples

    How about Dream Theater?