Recent content by racy

  1. R

    WTB logic studio 9

    hehe I got mine £120 educational price, still can't believe how cheap I got it for considering it retails at £400 :rock:
  2. R

    Yasser Arafats - Condemnation

    Cheers man, atm I have x2 panned hard with the other x2 panned about 40 either way, you reckon they should all be panned hard? I shall try taking the high shelf down a touch to make them less harsh
  3. R

    Yasser Arafats - Condemnation

    Another bump, no other feedback?
  4. R

    Yasser Arafats - Condemnation

    any other crit?
  5. R

    Yasser Arafats - Condemnation

  6. R

    Yasser Arafats - Condemnation

    Cool, the drums were triggered originally There was a lot of snare in the overhead though so it was hard replacing that, in this mix I brought the kick and the toms up a tad
  7. R

    Yasser Arafats - Condemnation

  8. R

    Yasser Arafats - Condemnation Sure thing, there it is edit : you meant 320 kbps mp3 right?
  9. R

    *** Ognedal - Scavenger *** Thrash Metal

    Very metallica'ish even if you hate me for that comment, It still sounds very much like ride the lightning style stuff -Guitars sound pretty cool -kick is a little dull -overall the balance is quite nice -I like the snare what amp are you using for the guitars?
  10. R

    Yasser Arafats - Condemnation

    My first mix that I've asked for crit on here (from one of the old mix this threads) I've given feedback for other people tracks before though so would appreciate some for this, haven't really mixed metal before so hopefully it isn't too much of a disaster lol...
  11. R

    Looking for old mix contests

    That's perfect thanks, nice to see the strange faces track on there, I've just finished that one a week ago. Great band :kickass:
  12. R

    Looking for old mix contests

    Right i've searched for long enough on the old google and came up with a bunch of deadlinks for old mix contest files, old threads with dead links, and people asking for these to be re-upped Does anyone know where I can get these from? or if you have any other raw projects I can mix...
  13. R

    Extremely distorted sound when burning Wav files.

    errr surely it will only be truncating the lsb's? why would it truncate the msb's?
  14. R

    Help Ballance my mix!

    If your sub isn't set up properly don't use it, especially for this style of music, you should be able to get by fine without it/ If your computer speakers are crap then just A/B your mix with others of the same genre, you'll soon see how music is supposed to sound on them and then can...
  15. R

    ReaL Drums, Real Brass, Real Marshall Cab

    hmm the first one that sticks out is the vocals being quiet in the verses but I guess with automation it will get sorted at that stage, the mix as a whole sounds maybe a touch middy (if that makes any sense) so maybe some eq'ing of some parts to get rid of this, maybe high shelf the guitars...