Recent content by Radeberger7777

  1. R

    Mics used to mic Guitars

    i Use a sm57 and a MXL 9000 Tube Power....Nice....
  2. R

    What kind of CPU do you guys have?

    I have an Mac mini 2011 withe in SSD and 8GB RAM. It is an i5 2,3ghz. But the core of my plugin power is an Universal Audio Apollo Quad. That is faster than Hell ... i know that The Apollo is not the cheap one... me and my band have hard work for this...
  3. R

    Di-Box and FX Loop

    So we have try with a Di Box and with out the box. and the result is sound nice withe the Di-Box (like Truie say). Thank you all !
  4. R

    Di-Box and FX Loop

    okay. Thanks we will try this...
  5. R

    Di-Box and FX Loop

    to Plendaktor: sorry bad english and a bit of dialect.... to AudioGeekZine: in the moment we are record withe de Di-Box the signal after the guitar before it go to the amp ( the Normal way?). The thought is record the preamp put some IR´s on it and have a nice sound.... Will this work? Thank...
  6. R

    Di-Box and FX Loop

    Hey man, a friend and i have an dispute. is it possible to plug in an Di-Box in the FX -Loop of an Tubeamp? we have here an Tubeamp withe an serial FX and one withe an parallel FX every one has an Cabinet. Thanks for answers
  7. R

    need some Help....again

    He Folks, add first sorry for the bad english i am German...:worship: And sorry for my firs post in the falls point...:worship: this is my problem: I have a room round about 15qm in an more family house no fat walls and withe out any optimist acoustics. I will made some nice guitar...