Recent content by Raevenge

  1. Raevenge

    Controversial opinions on metal

    Well said. A lot of people think of metal as 'just noise' and for the most part, they're not wrong. I think a lot of the bands that Sdrawkcabgniklat described are just that. When it comes to any music, I look for quality. It takes talent and skill to write and perform music that makes the cut...
  2. Raevenge

    The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

    I thought the album was pretty mediocre when I first listened to it, but like you, it grew on me after a few listens. There were subtle nuances that were missed on the first listen that are picked up over time that make what I originally thought was mediocre to be pretty damn good. I used to...
  3. Raevenge

    Hottest Men in Metal:

    Wow! As long as he wasn't an ass, I wouldn't toss him out of my bed.
  4. Raevenge

    The Whining and Bitching Thread

    Normally I don't bitch about my aches and pains but tonight I'm going to make an exception because this is an experience I've never endured before. Last night, my kneecap was out of alignment and my best friend put it back. OMFG! I've never felt pain quite like that. Today, whoever is stabbing...
  5. Raevenge

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Revisiting Dissection - The Somberlain. I never get sick of this album.
  6. Raevenge

    Things in life to be miserable about.

    The Internal Revenue Service - 'nuff said. Bronchitis - I once had the worst case of that ever. That was one of the few times in my life I wished to die because I had never been so sick in my entire life before or since. Having my wisdom teeth out - nothing like leaning over a trash can...
  7. Raevenge

    The Whining and Bitching Thread

    Glamour model in an automotive magazine? Yeah, I get that. Guys dig chicks and cars. But an old lady pic in automotive magazine? I admit to being idly curious as to the context that the pic was published. I bet it was funny whatever it was.
  8. Raevenge

    The Whining and Bitching Thread

  9. Raevenge

    The Whining and Bitching Thread

    I'm not going to post a pic of myself. It's been my experience on any forum that only the beautiful women post pics of themselves. I'm not beautiful and I don't need anyone to tell me I'm not. I'm also not dying for anyone to tell me that I am. I've accepted that I'm of average appearance and...
  10. Raevenge

    The Whining and Bitching Thread

    Why? You can't just take my word for it?
  11. Raevenge

    The Whining and Bitching Thread

    Yeah, I am. So?
  12. Raevenge

    The Whining and Bitching Thread

    Pain slut at the height of passion is cool as long as it's consensual. Pain slut any other time is fucked up and the guy should probably run like hell because it'll be an uphill battle from there. Mostly, I can't imagine anyone asking to be hit hard unless it's at the point of orgasm. WTF?!
  13. Raevenge

    The Whining and Bitching Thread

    Women all over the planet will hate me for saying this, but I don't care because I'm going to say it anyway. Sometimes, they're just begging to be clobbered. No, a guy can't get away with it, but there are some women out there who will just push and push until a guy breaks. Some of them are...
  14. Raevenge

    The thread of joy and enjoyment!

    I have the weekend off. Time to kick back and relax!
  15. Raevenge

    Albums currently displeasing your ass

    If they did all instrumental they wouldn't be bad. But one of the best? Arguable...and I don't care if they're considered part of the Big 4 or not. I haven't heard anything from them that is impressive musically. It's not bad as it goes, but it's not exceptional either. I was more impressed by...