Recent content by Ralph Santolla

  1. R

    piss my pants- shit my hands- guitar questions

    ok, ............ 1. How do you come up with your killer-leads? Do you improvise your stuff, or are your solos constructed and analized? Well, for the KILLER ones, I copy Uli Jon Roth. But for the ones I did on the Deicide cd, I just come up with ideas and string them together until I get...
  2. R

    A Question For Ralph Santolla

    I sometimes use a wah. In the studio there's a bit of delay or reverb on my leads, but I pretty much plug straight into the amp. I'm not very gear oriented.
  3. R

    A Question For Ralph Santolla

    I ahve TONS of great memories, it was almost always fun. I remember one thing really clear - the first time I saw Carcass. They were on the first tour I did with Death. Chuck kept saying " Dude, you're gonna LOVE these guys". The first gig was in Hamburg ( also the same day I met Jack Owen, but...
  4. R

    ME TOO!

    1. got any tips for a metal guitar player whos been playing for about a year now? I think you should always record yourself while you practice, then listen back later that day. Most people don't know what they actually sound like until the first time they go into a studio. When you're playing...
  5. R

    ME TOO!

    Can't let Jacko have all the fun. Ask away..........................