Recent content by Ralphie

  1. Ralphie

    Black Metal

    taake blows and black metal isn't dead, it's just not going anywhere
  2. Ralphie

    How is Slipknot not metal?

    they are noisy type of mallcore mallcore =/= metal
  3. Ralphie

    Black Metal

    what the fuck?
  4. Ralphie

    yo, is it true about in flames....

    in flames is gay, so is melodic metal
  5. Ralphie

    Opeth is not for you IF:

    actually, 90% of opeth's fanbase consists of those people
  6. Ralphie

    Favourite Black Metal Song

    immortal - pure holocaust graveland - fed by the beasts nokturnal mortum - perun's celestial silver abigor - eye to eye at armageddon summoning - a distant flame before the sun darkthrone - transilvanian hunger
  7. Ralphie

    best black metal drummer

    :lol: what the fuck?
  8. Ralphie


    myabe if those skanks were somewhat more attractive..
  9. Ralphie

    Your Song!!!!

    abigor - eye to eye at armageddon
  10. Ralphie

    America Vs Europe

  11. Ralphie

    Children Of Bodom in a U.S. skate movie!

    wow, Xtreme lametry with trendy music on the background very original
  12. Ralphie

    Greatest Band Ever

  13. Ralphie

    How I love Avril Lavigne!

    you're not funny stfu
  14. Ralphie


    what nattfrostn said
  15. Ralphie

    Iced Earth

    they are glam in its purest form