Recent content by RandomAwesome

  1. RandomAwesome

    In Hearts Wake - full album stream

    These guys flew out here last Feb/March to record this record. Awesome guys, and I see them going places with this album.
  2. RandomAwesome


    Back from the dead, haha! All I remember the gain was right around 4ish. Really low, so that the pick attack would cut. We also had the amp set up by a guy around here who is amazing with biasing. The low gain tone worked great with the 5 string ESP surveyor bass and classic SVT/sansamp...
  3. RandomAwesome

    Karnivool - tone match

    Yeah, I knew I wouldn't get the same exact snare sound, because my snare head is a bit old, way too dry, and it was tuned for a different recording, haha. I was pretty happy with the bass tone, maybe not to everyone's taste but I might have to argue against it being "weak" sounding. Any...
  4. RandomAwesome

    Karnivool - tone match

    Shit... drum bleed is always a massive pain when doing all live drums. I dunno, I just try to play it right, haha. Making sure that everything sounds good in the drum room is the most important piece in my drum chain. Too many drummers, ESPECIALLY in metal, don't know jack about playing...
  5. RandomAwesome

    Karnivool - tone match

    I heard from someone that this forum is into Karnivool. Makes perfect sense, as Sound Awake is, IMHO, one of the best sounding rock records I've ever heard. That said, I tried my hand at the intro to Goliath. Granted, I'm nowhere near the drummer that Steve Judd is, but the guitars were...
  6. RandomAwesome

    lmimp bizkit - significant other

    Oh, and +1 to Heshian's statement. John Otto is highly underrated. Sure, there are WAY flashier drummers out there, but how does a 2 minute solo serve a song musically? John Otto has more distinct style and groove playing one simple 4/4 beat than the entire discography of the vast majority of...
  7. RandomAwesome

    lmimp bizkit - significant other

    90s/early 2000s metal and rock records are literally my biggest influence on recording/mixing/production Huge sounds, but also natural and dynamic, and as a lot of you said - Vibey. Most of these shit fakey sounding metal records today sound about 10 miles wide and 6 inches deep. No feeling...
  8. RandomAwesome

    Not bad for a bunch of 15-17 year olds. These kids blew me away last month. No tuning on vocals at all. All live drums except kick (really crappy Peace kit, but the toms were decent. Snare was a 13" Tama brushed steel something or other. Very nice sounding!)
  9. RandomAwesome


    I know that'd be the first place I'd go to get an informed opinion on live amps... :muahaha:
  10. RandomAwesome

    Things said way too often in the studio, I'll start.

    "hey, is it okay if we pay you the rest next month?"
  11. RandomAwesome

    Gold Cobra cover/tone match.

    Guitar was an EC1000, bass was my US PBass. PODX3 for both, with some impulses on the guitar. The guitar sounds too digital for my liking, but I just whipped this together in a couple of hours and didn't want to waste time on a live amp :P Kick is a well-tuned (or decently tuned) Mapex 22"...
  12. RandomAwesome

    Gold Cobra cover/tone match.

    Same snare, I just didn't play as hard during the verse, but I probably should have played harder. I agree about the boxy sound of the cymbals, the overkill on compression is starting to bring out a few flaws in my room acoustics which I will treat now that I'm hearing it again after a few days...
  13. RandomAwesome

    Gold Cobra cover/tone match.

    Bass is my American P Bass. I would rather shoot myself than ever program bass, haha :P I agree, too much comp on the overheads.
  14. RandomAwesome

    Finally Finished My First Band.

    Nice work! I like the crunchiness of the guitar tone. The snare could use some body. But... that singing... good lord it's bad, hahaha. Not your fault though.
  15. RandomAwesome

    Gold Cobra cover/tone match.

    thx amarshism! Orange Rockverb? I want to hear this test, Clark!