Recent content by rasze1

  1. R

    My try on the master of puppets tone

    I think I got pretty close. Every song has a little different tone though... I used Bias and other fx to get the tone.
  2. R

    New progressive metal song

    I really want to hear your opinion on this song! Make sure to give it a like. The song name is Latency because I've been experiencing a sh*t ton of latency issues with my audio interface since I upgraded to Windows 10... Amp: Bias desktop Drums: Superior drummer 2 (metal foundry)
  3. R

    A quick clip from my upcoming Meshuggah cover...

    Let me know what you think about the mix!
  4. R

    Rate my song/mix Well, here's a new version with minor tweaks on the lead guitar tone, synth and kick.
  5. R

    Rate my song/mix

    Damn, I noticed it too now that you mentioned it. What do you think about the song itself? :D
  6. R

    Rate my song/mix Drums: Superior drummer 2 (metal foundry) Amp sim: Bias
  7. R

    Instrumental Progressive content (Possible Raws)

    I just imported the files into an existing project of mine and did some tweaks here and there for about 30 minutes, here's the result:
  8. R

    Progressive metal mix

    Thanks, finally someone replied! :lol:
  9. R

    Progressive metal mix

    Hi there. Here's a mix of one of my songs, please give me feedback mix-wise and let me also know if you like the song!
  10. R

    Half-Life 2 Metal

    Thanks! I know the snare is a bit thin. I am trying to get Mike Portnoy's systematic chaos type of snare sound, but I'm still a beginner at mixing drums.
  11. R

    Half-Life 2 Metal

    For you Half-Life fans out there... Also give some feedback about the mix!
  12. R

    Progressive metal

    Well, I made this mix and I want your feedback! Drums are Superior drummer 2 and the rest of the instruments are recorded by me. Hope you like it.