Recent content by Rattlesnake

  1. Rattlesnake

    I know this is a Maiden board, but does anyone mind if I bring up Guns-n-Roses?

    Well, I think I've shown enough of my sensitive side lately (see "Pictures of You" thread). So I believe it's time for another acidic, psychotic, hate-filled rant. Ready? Here goes: Everyone is coming in their pants over Guns-n-Roses upcoming tour. Tix are selling like wildfire. I read...
  2. Rattlesnake

    Pictures of you!

    Thank you, ladies! You're cute too.
  3. Rattlesnake

    Pictures of you!

    Dude, that photo manip rules! I downloaded it to my hard drive. Great stuff!
  4. Rattlesnake

    Pictures of you!

    Thanks for the help. I would have never figured that out.
  5. Rattlesnake

    Pictures of you!

    This is me and our three-month-old. Sorry I'm late with this, but I needed Baby Snake to grow into his jersey.
  6. Rattlesnake

    Punk is dead

    Then how did you end up on this forum? Someone theorized that you are a "troll". Is that true? It's okay if you are, I'm just curious. Your post made me nostalgic for my old "sword and sorcery fantasy land gaming table".
  7. Rattlesnake

    Things to know about Chuck Norris.

    You're a martial artist too? Just when I think you couldn't be any more perfect. Sigh. If you were my wife, baby, I'd never leave the house.
  8. Rattlesnake

    Things to know about Chuck Norris.

    That's nothing! I heard Steve Harris once turned an entire orchard into a two-ton mound of applesauce just by playing a few riffs through a Marshall stack. Then Bruce Dickinson screamed at it through a microphone and cinnamon rained down on it. The cinnamon-covered applesauce fed an entire...
  9. Rattlesnake

    What is the worst Iron Maiden song ever recorded?

    That's another thing. Doesn't anybody else remember "The Clansman"? Why do people think "Angel and the Gambler" epitomizes "Virtual XI" and then ignore "The Clansman"? I always thought that one was quite popular, even among the Blaze-haters.
  10. Rattlesnake

    What is the worst Iron Maiden song ever recorded?

    Oh yeah. What was I thinking? Well, I did say there were some good ones. I just thought I remembered reading something negative about some of the others, especially the one I mentioned. By the way, you're a fox. I know that's nothing new, but I think it bears repeating. Was there another...
  11. Rattlesnake

    What is the worst Iron Maiden song ever recorded?

    Now that is interesting! I don't know how well Matos would have fit in, but I have a 2-disc Maiden Tribute called "The Number One Beast", on which Doogie sings, "Hallowed Be Thy Name", "The Evil That Men Do", "Bring Your Daughter to the Slaughter", and "The Clairvoyant". He sounds great...
  12. Rattlesnake

    What is the worst Iron Maiden song ever recorded?

    Your take on the Blaze era is interesting and thought-provoking, but there's one thing I'm very curious about: Who were these other names? I've got to know! Anyone else know? One more thing, you are absolutely right about Adrian. I feel kinda bad now for not mentioning him before.
  13. Rattlesnake

    What is the worst Iron Maiden song ever recorded?

    I guess I've been so busy defending Blaze from the people who want to rip him apart, I never really got around to weighing in on his performance. Out of Maiden: I've only heard one Wolfsbane album. It took a while to grow on me. Despite the quality of the songs, I liked the vocals. I really...
  14. Rattlesnake

    This forum is so much better....

    Huh. I completely forgot about that. I don't really like Motley Crue, but I have to admit I enjoyed that album.
  15. Rattlesnake

    This forum is so much better....

    I think it was Skid Row that sung "Rattlesnake Shake". I don't know of any Crue song with that word in the title. Actually, the Rattlesnake comes from John Carpenter's "Snake Plissken" character.