Recent content by RazorsEdge8

  1. R

    Hitler attacks Geoff Tate

    That is one of the funniest one's I've seen. No lie.
  2. R

    Symphony X Song Tournament: Vote for the Best

    The Odyssey (So amazing) The Accolade Communion and the Oracle The Accolade II Revelation
  3. R

    Adrenaline Mob

    LOL, what kind of music was that? Sounds like a Punk name to me. :lol:
  4. R

    Which album would you like to hear front to back live?

    This is a tough question. Probably Clayman, but I'd love to hear Whoracle and The Jester Race from start to finish too, though with IF being the way they are now, I don't see that happening.
  5. R

    Summer Slaughter/ Mayhem Festival

    Sweet. Never been a fan of Mayhem, but with COB, Mastodon, and Amon Amarth on the bill, I may seriously have to consider it this year.
  6. R

    What gigs do you have coming up?

    I've got nothing either. Then again, I don't really go to concerts all that much to begin with. Usually just a once in a blue-moon sort of thing. DAMN, that's a lot. \m/ for PQ, Heathen, and Helloween BTW.