Recent content by Rebourne

  1. Rebourne

    The leaking on TOC has begun

    If I listen to them I'm just going to get sick of them by the time the CD comes out and not get the full effect. Only about a month left anyway.
  2. Rebourne

    2% or Whole Milk

    To quote Arnold "Milk is for babies." Meat is where its at.
  3. Rebourne

    I'm actually looking for your HONEST opinions with this one.

    Honest opinion? I think your just distracting yourself from the real issues. You think that by changing things in your life will make you feel different because you will be in a different situation doing different things. If you want to change your life start by changing yourself and then...
  4. Rebourne

    If Sarah Palin was yo mama

    Divine Right Palin
  5. Rebourne

    loomis new cd

    It's probably being reviewed by people who don't usually listen to instrumental guitar albums. I think it kicks ass.
  6. Rebourne

    Shut up all of you

    I do an acoustic cover of Heart Collector quite a bit. It's pretty hard to cover nevermore songs and do them well though, probably why not many people have.
  7. Rebourne

    The Awesome Dream Thread

    Last night I had a dream I was playing a keyboard, then I started to notice that it looked familiar and realized who it belonged to. I looked up and saw that I was in their house and they were coming around the corner towards me. It freaked me out so much because she is dead I woke myself up...
  8. Rebourne

    Bottle of the Bends

    I think you tip them over and fill them up that way. Why you would want that I have no idea?
  9. Rebourne

    Bottle of the Bends

    Those are pretty weird, that guy is too excited about them though.
  10. Rebourne

    Young Guitar with Jeff Loomis

    I will if I ever get it, lol. I think it's in Japanese though so it's probably not good for anything but the pictures unless you know kanji.
  11. Rebourne

    Young Guitar with Jeff Loomis

    Damn the dude still hasn't shipped mine... You get yours Wicked?
  12. Rebourne


    That's amazing, who did it? Edit: never mind it says... I'm mentally challenged...
  13. Rebourne

    These are some great tits!

    Dude, that was pretty fucking lame.
  14. Rebourne

    These are some great tits!