Recent content by Red Shirt

  1. R

    Your last travel setlist

    Bumping thread that shouldn't be silent... Was on a kick with ZZ Top because I had meet and greet tickets with them 6 months ago. Then I was on a Led Zep kick for several weeks, then somebody mentioned old Rush which got me on a kick for about a month of nothing but old Rush, then I had meet &...
  2. R

    Maiden Tunes

    Bump. Just wanna know the latest additions! Oh and two thumbs up on The Clansman! Oh, and to Doodoobubbachuck, howz that bam boom bang still going!?
  3. R

    Ultimate Metal is dying

    No doubt UM has gone silent compared to its hay day. I used to look forward to reading/posting on topics, so many good times and stories. I still poke in when I can.
  4. R

    So,it's London only again...

    Hey hey hey... I'm doing busier than I want (which sucks). A few years ago I had to start taking care of my dad (has Alzheimer's). That combined with a family and business travel makes it tough. That's why I haven't been around, but I haven't lost the desire to hang and see you ladies shred...
  5. R

    So,it's London only again...

    So what is your point? Myself, I can't get enough of maiden, whether it's the real band or cover. Don't judge a book by it's cover. If you saw these iron ladies perform, I think you'd be impressed and want to see them again. If you're implying that real bands are having a tough time staying...
  6. R


    When you make it to Miami, make sure to stop at Nicko's ribs place - Rock N Roll Ribs. The place is full of Maiden album and tour memorabilia and the ribs are to die for (boots on please).
  7. R

    Check this Street Drummer

    Linda, have you seen this? Impressive!
  8. R

    Happy Birthday to you, Mark!!!

    Happy belated bday!!! :kickass:
  9. R

    Megadeth - Free ticket to the Grove tonight!

    No takers. I know it was last minute but I found out last minute that I couldn't make it. Semi small venue like that with Megadeth cranked would've been awesome. It's tougher for me to get to the shows since getting married and having a baby, but my interest is the same. My daughter is now 3...
  10. R

    Megadeth - Free ticket to the Grove tonight!

    I have a ticket to the Megadeth show tonight at the Grove that I cannot make. First person to pm me their name and email and I'll send you the ticket.
  11. R


    Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass: Hope it was a good one!
  12. R


    Happy Birthday Jenna! :kickass:
  13. R

    Bruce Dickinson flys with the Ice Pilots

    Cool to see that vid made it to you tube. I work at Boeing and it was in the daily e-news, including the vid back on Monday. Unfortunately the company slaps "for internal use only", "All rights reserved", blah blah blah...all over it. So I can't copy/paste any of it. He did a visit back in...
  14. R

    The Iron Maidens just shy of 1 Million views on You Tube!

    That's amazing, it's climbed some 13,000+ views in a matter of just over 6 hours! Holy Smoke! :yow:
  15. R

    The Iron Maidens just shy of 1 Million views on You Tube!

    Ahhh... (just watched). Bump it up another notch! ...Whoa! it's at 980,304!!!