Recent content by refreshingapathy

  1. refreshingapathy

    Comparisons of metal mastering. Which is the best and why?

    Oak, he's using the Prominy stuff - something I have been saving up for. Basically, uber-sampled guitar with maps for NI's Kontact so you can play guitars from your keyboard.
  2. refreshingapathy

    Shure SM7 vs SM7B vs Neumann TLM 103

    For sure, the SM7B. I use these for radio mics and they kick the RE20's ass for making me sound like a radio god. Good presence, and you really have to work the fuck out of it to get nailed by too much proximity effect... which good for capturing lower growls as well as the pig-squealing highs ;)
  3. refreshingapathy

    First time Poster! Please Rate my Mixes...i would like to get to know you guys!

    First song is... wow. Vox up a tiny bit maybe? Other than that, damn. Second song is really good... I just don't like the tone of the higher tapped guitar it comes out very nasal. Put some more balls behind it and it'll shine.
  4. refreshingapathy

    Lil' DI-Shootout for you all

    I'm gonna say that 2 and 3 are my favorites. For post processing next time, go for a little less low-mid "chunk" I think... other than that sounds pretty good.
  5. refreshingapathy

    For those of you mixing with subs...

    If I remember correctly the Dolby spec is 120Hz... check the manual and see if they list an optimum. Or try to sample the room and see what frequency you get the flattest frequency response from.
  6. refreshingapathy

    New DrDoom tracks (grindcore content)

    I had a POD 2.0 back in the day, and wanted to play with it live... it worked brilliantly in both the FX loop and as a stompbox. I dunno, it just sounded damn good with that POD for some reason. Doing absurdly low-tuned Meshuggahcore shit though, so YMMV.
  7. refreshingapathy

    Awesome Lamb of God song, can´t believe I made it! Post your thoughts

    I think the mids/high mids are a bit too loud, it has a "honk" to it that I'm not sure is quite right. Guitars could also come down a tad. Other than that, well done dude!
  8. refreshingapathy

    New DrDoom tracks (grindcore content)

    HELL YEAH FOR BETA LEADS!!!! :kickass::kickass::kickass: God I love mine. Works for everything... but its deliciously loud and plays well with PODs. Those raw drums sound absolutely bitchin, dude. Toms are up a bit too far IMO but the snare sounds great. You used the SoundCity for the...
  9. refreshingapathy

    newbie - pro tools question

    if6was9 - just curious, how is PT LE terrible for music? theNeologist - what I think is that getting ProTools alone will not make you sound better. It will enable you to more easily tweak your sound compared to CoolEdit and Audition, sure. For smaller, demo-style recordings on a lower budget...
  10. refreshingapathy

    Which mic to go along with a 57 for miking a cab?

    Another 57? :-p But seriously, all the good ones have been mentioned. The MD421 is a solid bet, as is any of the good Royer ribbons. If all you have for mics right now is that one 57, you might want to look into getting a small diaphragm condenser just to mess with it - don't like it? Sell it...
  11. refreshingapathy

    these broken remains "SHUT DOWN THE SUN" (deathcore)

    Sounds pretty good, I especially like the clean breaks and the way you mixed the snare back in the reverb. And I like the pig squeals. But I am a pig squeal kind of guy.
  12. refreshingapathy

    Let freedom ring with a shotgun blast!

    Same as TheXRatedDodo - give the snare some more cojones, and its sick.
  13. refreshingapathy

    New mix (my first with vocals)

    I think the vox are a teeeensy bit too low, could probably compress them ever-so-slightly and gain them up a touch and that would do it. Guitars and drums sound great on my home stereo (no studio monitors here).
  14. refreshingapathy

    Micing a bass amp tips

    I'd use the D6 an inch or so from the grille of one of the 10" speakers. Play through it, and if that doesn't have enough bite try the SM7. Those are literally my two favorite mics when I have to use a bass amp... usually it's just DI and go ;) Although mad props to Seizure because I <3 my Sunn...
  15. refreshingapathy

    Advise for Cro-mags or Leeway type drum sound

    Sounds like a medium-sized verb on the snare with a shorter tail... maybe softly gate it at the end if you can't get that short tail. Other than that, just sounds like a very room-mic'y feel to the whole thing... mix more towards your room mics and overheads is all I can suggest. But I would...