Recent content by RegurgitatedFlesh

  1. RegurgitatedFlesh

    Post your picture v1.0

    lolz & roflz
  2. RegurgitatedFlesh

    Female, 18, Australia, Metalhead

    Hell yeah. Haha. Woot. No dribble!
  3. RegurgitatedFlesh

    Female, 18, Australia, Metalhead

    Haha, :P where /do/ you live?
  4. RegurgitatedFlesh

    Female, 18, Australia, Metalhead

    Thank you very much MetalAges!! :notworthy
  5. RegurgitatedFlesh

    I Could Get A Van

    Hahah, OMG It fits my profile PERFECTLY! <3
  6. RegurgitatedFlesh

    I Could Get A Van

    You wish you had the ability to report. Oooh. Snapped. Lol, I love being so lame.
  7. RegurgitatedFlesh

    Female, 18, Australia, Metalhead

    @Maiden: that's awesome. Haha. Lucky you.
  8. RegurgitatedFlesh

    I Could Get A Van

  9. RegurgitatedFlesh

    Female, 18, Australia, Metalhead

    I'm looking forward to Behemoth... I'll be seeing them in Brisbane on the 13th of December. :D
  10. RegurgitatedFlesh

    Female, 18, Australia, Metalhead

    Haha, awesome... my "brother" (boyfriends brother, but I live with him) sat at the computer when they went on sale to get gold tickets but they were all sold out in like 5 mins so he had to get silver tickets. anyway, i didnt get the chance to get a ticket... i was asleep. hahah.
  11. RegurgitatedFlesh

    Dead Children Speak No Lies

    That was a really, really bad post.
  12. RegurgitatedFlesh

    Dead Children Speak No Lies

    Hey. I'll post on your thread since you posted on mine! Woot. METAL. Thrash On!!!! |m|
  13. RegurgitatedFlesh

    Female, 18, Australia, Metalhead

    I agree maiden... haha. Did you go to the festival of the dead? @ Benzine: no b00b shots. :D @ Dead Children: Haha. I wish there were chicks like me here as well.
  14. RegurgitatedFlesh

    Post your picture v1.0

    Haha. Meanie. *Patches up your stab wounds* All better. For now... :)
  15. RegurgitatedFlesh

    Post your picture v1.0

    *Stabs your eye again* Dude, I can't believe you said that. How is it emo? It's not over contrasted and high angled or crying or in a corner or with my knees around my head... Maybe its the half head thing. Not my fault I cant aim... -.-