Recent content by ResidentTroll

  1. R

    Help. What amp should I get?

    Right, and with a first tube amp, not knowing what you're doing, you're going to get a 1,500 dollar amp? That's like giving a 16 year old an Aston Martin for their first car.
  2. R

    Help. What amp should I get?

    It's hard to tell which ones they're making and discontinuing. I like the 333XL, It's what I have. They're also making a Triple Rectifier model. It looks pretty interesting. Might want to check out the 6262 model. I've heard that's even better for metal.
  3. R

    Help. What amp should I get?

    Bugera. Best fuckin tone I've heard in ever.
  4. R


    MF is the only site I use.
  5. R

    Guitar Setup Cost?

    Pickup replacement should run you around 40-50. A setup etc will cost you around 20 or so. Not including parts.
  6. R

    Hilarious Gig moments of 2010

    GG Allin, is that you? HOLY SHIT. I didn't even look at the title xD
  7. R

    Who Are You?

    name:David location: East of Cleveland favorite bands: Murderdolls, Machinehead, Suffokate, Cannibal Corpse something unusual about me:I eat tortilla chips with hot sauce on them favorite sport: Basketball favorite team: Oklahoma City Thunder Random facts: I've been playing guitar for 7 years...
  8. R

    Xmas Haul Thread

    Bugera 333XL wohoo for shitty webcam pictures. And some soap. Oh yeah, my genius of parents didn't even get me speaker cables for that either. So it's a 500 dollar living room piece, and occasional coaster for my brother, until he spills purple drink on it and I flip the fugg out on him.
  9. R

    Guitar Recordings

    Take this life is epic. Just sayin.
  10. R

    Picked up a Bugera 333XL last night...

    WOW! What an amp... excellent metal tone for sure. I got it used off of craigslist for $350 USD, man... I would have paid close to 800 for this head. Anyone who says this amp isn't any good need their ears checked. Such a full, thick sound and no mud either. I picked up a Marshal MG cab it...
  11. R

    Turn up your speakers

    It's not very metal. But it's not bad. The guitar needs to be a tad louder and the bass is a wee bit too loud.
  12. R

    fingerpicking electric guitar

    This guy just oozes pure genius. You can use pretty much any style of picking you feel comfortable with, but sooner or later you're going to need to learn how to use a pick, it's really not that hard once you get used to the feeling.
  13. R

    Rookie Bassist turns Rookie Guitarist? O.O

    Don't ever.... EVER buy a low end B.C. Rich, they're awful. So are Deans, get an Ibanez, Brice, or a Schecter bass before one of those god awfully shaped basses. You need to get comfortable with the bass before going all crazy with the shapes. Not to mention the features are going to be weaker...
  14. R

    Stage Presence. 'nuff Said.

    High energy works the best. I recently saw a band, their sound was awful but they were entertaining as hell cause of what they did on stage.