Recent content by richseered

  1. R

    Your Top 2009 releases so far...

    Andy Sneap is producing the new Accept album, which I can't wait to hear. Wasn't sure abot not having Udo in the band, but I tracked down a copy of new singer Mark Tornillo's old band TT Quick's "Metal of Honor" cd and I think he's a great replacement, similar ballpark to Udo without being a...
  2. R

    A review worthy of it's own thread...

    Also with age comes the ability to grow a more convincing beard, I've found, which helps when dispensing nuggets of wisdom, as you can stroke your beard in a ponderous, sage-like manner as you speak, or perhaps while pausing between sentences. As a younger man, my facial hair was thin and...
  3. R

    KISS - Past and Present (Moved from "Top 2009" thread)

    Got tickets for me & the missus this morning, already got 'em through the miracle of e-tickets :) My wife has never seen Kiss, so she's really jazzed about going. A lot of younger guys I know (younger than me anyhow, lol) are going too. One guy is a major Bill Hicks fan and got into them after...
  4. R

    This is off topic, but I had to share this...

    I've had a bit of a thrash renaissance over the last couple of years. I was into it at the time back in the day, but it got hard to find any underground metal releases at all in the UK in the early to mid 90s, so I lost track with a lot of bands. Also I found that as time went on there were a...
  5. R

    This is off topic, but I had to share this...

    Man, I'd love to see Voivod, I have all their albums. They only played at Download here in the UK on their current tour, and I couldn't make it to that show. Kreator are another band that have just hung in there and kept kicking ass. I really respect a lot of the German traditional metal and...
  6. R

    A review worthy of it's own thread...

    There seem to be two types of reviewer, those who make the music the focus of their writing and those who make themselves the focus. This type of review just reflects badly on the writer - lack of knowledge of the band, genre, trying to be a wise-ass at the expense of the band, etc.
  7. R

    KISS - Past and Present (Moved from "Top 2009" thread)

    Larry - yeah, to be honest it was more a case of Peter sounding better than I remembered and Ace being pretty awful. I watched all of disc three (I think the Tiger Stadium show is on disc 2?) and as you say, Ace veered from ok to horrible on each of the shows. At the show I saw at Wembley in...
  8. R

    KISS - Past and Present (Moved from "Top 2009" thread)

    Well, both Classic Rock magazine and a couple of rock radio stations here in the UK have been dropping pretty obvious hints that Kiss are going to announce their first UK dates since 1999 :) My wife had never seen them, and I'm glad that when she does it'll be this line up, purely from the...
  9. R

    Eden's Fall, Twelfth Gate, and Sage4 November 25th at Doug's!

    Apologies for my part in the hijack! Hope the gig goes well, and will check out the Sage 4 website - interesting band name, what inspired it? Does the band consist of four very wise individuals?:)
  10. R

    Eden's Fall, Twelfth Gate, and Sage4 November 25th at Doug's!

    Hey all this talk of Duran Duran reminded me of this rocked up version of "Hungry Like The Wolf" I saw on a UK tv show in the mid-90s, and I managed to find it on youtube - not sure abot the vocals on the verses, but the chorus works really well in this style, check it out That's the line...
  11. R

    Fan Reviews & "Into Night's Requiem Infernal" discussion

    Hey guys just wanted to mention that I found out yesterday that the overall mastering, production and vocals cut through really well even at lower volumes - I was listening to the album on the bus to work yesterday, and was trying to avoid being "that guy" who cranks his music way to loud and...
  12. R

    Eden's Fall, Twelfth Gate, and Sage4 November 25th at Doug's!

    My favorite 80s band is Men At Work. Saw Colin Hay live in Manchester (here in the UK) last Saturday and he was superb, just one guy, one acoustic guitar, great songs and between-song stories that Billy Connolly would be proud of, lol. One story he told was that Australians are the only people...
  13. R

    Considering selling my copy of HER TEARS DROP

    Larry - yeah, I really enjoyed playing with him his name's Andy Ellison, and he's probably best known from a band called Radio Stars with the former bassist from Sparks (Martin Gordon, who played on "This Town Ain't Big Enough..."), which was on the scene at the same time as the whole punk / new...
  14. R

    Considering selling my copy of HER TEARS DROP

    Larry - I think what happened was that Kisstory came out originally just before the MTV Unplugged show and subsequent reunion, so the books were originally signed by the "Revenge" line up; I guess they just asked Ace and Peter to sign them once they were back on board. I agonized about selling...
  15. R

    Considering selling my copy of HER TEARS DROP

    Hey man hope you get a good price, I know the feeling. A few years ago I couldn't work due to health crap and had to sell a ton of stuff. Worst of all was parting with my copy of "Kisstory" - I bought it at a gig on the reunion tour in 1996, at which point Bruce Kullick and Eric Singer were...