Recent content by RICJAMES


    jackson j2-sp worth now

    May you post some pictures of it or send it too me, I may be interested (seriously).

    NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

    The problem isn't even the composing or not composing, the problem is what Alexi is. What is Alexi? He is a, even if he does not like anymore, a neoclassical shredder in the sense of Yngwie Malmsteen, he clearly is NOT a blues player, but that is what he trying to do, way too hard. Blues...

    Live Videos Thread

    I highly doubt that. Alexi can barely play the guitar anymore. Honestly, he should just stop at this point. I saw them on the tour in March in Berlin and it was utter crap. I would have played a better show, honestly. He literally is destroying is own legend. He once was a guitar god, now..... I...

    The official and most atmospheric Children of Joonas thread

    By the way: Is Conan aka Arcane still alive? The last time he posted on his Youtube channel was around a month ago. :D

    Live Videos Thread

    I think that "balding" of Alexi is a misconception. Most people think it's just straight losing all hair. I've seen a pic of Alexis father, and he obviously will meet the same fate, sooner or later, he has an insane high forehead, same as Alexi. That IS going to happen. But i think without...

    NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

    The thing is, Alexi was never the smartest guy. (dropping school before even have a certificate or anything) But he had talent in music, and that's what he should stick to. The thing is, he himself probably thinks "I'm almost 40 by now, I need write at least somehow more mature lyrics." But the...

    NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

    I wouldn't mind if they put COB to sleep, for at least a year or two. Too me, especially Alexis melodies and main riffs started to sound so generic. Don't get me wrong, it's still higher quality than most bands but it kinda lost it's definitive sound. On all albums there was always THAT COB...

    Roope's interview

    Even if Roope may be a drunktard, he can still be right. Some people sound like if Roope has literally no brain anymore. I literally see Alexi (and the rest of the band) at least 2-3 times a year, and I can definitely tell that Alexi became kinda dickish over the last years. Sure, maybe it's...

    NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

    Is there any news about the record yet?

    NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

    I meant the people here only "talking" about the colour of the new cover.

    NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

    I don't buy that shit. I guess ALexi just does not want him to contribute. Let's be honest there. COB is the "child" (pun intended) of Alexi, and only Alexi. Sometimes people are so dominant in bands that they just can't get along with others who also want to contribute. Sometimes the snake can...

    NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

    Why does a COB thread these days always have to end in idiocrazy? :D I mean you could have just replied that you were looking forward to a record, or not replied at all haha. :D Is it possible that we can talk at least a slit bight serious. I hope at least he does not water everything down do...

    NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

    "We will start creating new songs during spring and summer(2017), and will head to the studio during fall. The album will be our tenth studio album, which is also quite a milestone. It seems that after the studio I will have some time to get my back better somehow, possibly an operation if all...

    How much would it cost to book CoB for a private party?

    I'd say 10.000 Euro + travelling costs. And I'm sure they'll do. I mean, let's be honest. That would be 2000 each member and no spendings for the travelling. I'm pretty sure they would do. But you could probably ask Nuclear Blast.

    The "Let's guess who's the new axeman for COB" Thread

    Am I crazy or does this guitar look like the cheapo Alexi-200 Signature? :D Switching from that a custom Jackson to a crappy LTD is a big let down.