Recent content by Rick Powell

  1. Rick Powell

    Drumagog Weirdness

    Mmmm i should try that again
  2. Rick Powell

    Drumagog Weirdness

    Hey Guys n Girls, Do you ever have phasing problems when using Drumagog?? I'm in the middle of a session and the producer has picked up on some phasing issues when using Drumagog on a snare track. Sometimes it places the hit in front of the original snare and sometimes after the original...
  3. Rick Powell

    8 Pre adat that kicks ass

    The built in 002 pre's were way better but i ended up using a Phoenix drs-2 pre which obviously is in a different league but there was a massive sound difference between these and the Audient
  4. Rick Powell

    8 Pre adat that kicks ass

    Yeah i had to re-amp a whole session after tracking the guitars through the audient, they were thin and harsh. Same Mic and amp/cab through a different pre and they were fine....!!
  5. Rick Powell

    8 Pre adat that kicks ass

    Audient is crap!! I've done some A/B tests with it and it really isn't much good at all I'd be happy to post clips when i get a sec
  6. Rick Powell

    TC Finalizer

    Cool man, Nice 1 Yeah i'm the same - going out into a stereo comp then into the TC via Spdif
  7. Rick Powell

    TC Finalizer

    Hey How you guys hooking them up? During a mix or on a stereo file?? Rick
  8. Rick Powell


    Thanks Guys Is the Neutrik Bantam or 1/4"?? From the pic it looks like quarter inch
  9. Rick Powell


    Hey Guys I'm looking for a good patchbay (bantam)..?? Any recommendations?? pz
  10. Rick Powell


    who mastered this? Andy or Ted?
  11. Rick Powell

    mix bus comp

    Hey looking into buying a C2 are they worth the £2000 price tag??
  12. Rick Powell

    Lamb Of God

    You might not like what he does but all respect to Mister Machine as he gets an original sound which is VERY rare in metal.
  13. Rick Powell

    A question on licensing fees ...

    PM Me
  14. Rick Powell

    Studio room design

    Obviously you'll have to do tests on your room if you want to apply an EQ for your speakers. I'd imagine this would take in sending out either pink or white noise. If i was you i'd drop these guys a line - We've just had them do plans for two of our rooms and they...
  15. Rick Powell

    good convertors

    Hey, I have a budget of $1500 and am in need of some converters for 8 mic pre's. what can people recommend?? cheers. Rick