Recent content by Riffffz

  1. Riffffz

    Playlist thread ...

    What is your current favourite playlist that you're rockin' out to?
  2. Riffffz

    New Horna ep

    Tbh I'd recommend their latest album which is a split with another band called Pure. Pure kinda give off a very slight lifelover vibe
  3. Riffffz

    New Horna ep

    That's a great album. I can understand why some people wouldn't explore their back catalogue but I really dig that kinda primitive bm sound
  4. Riffffz

    New Horna ep

    They also have a split album with Pure out to
  5. Riffffz

    New Horna ep

    I'm currently listening to it on Spotify lol I was surprised to ‍♂️
  6. Riffffz

    Digging the new Horna ep

    Digging the new Horna ep
  7. Riffffz

    New Horna ep

    Has anyone else checked out the new Horna ep "Kuolleiden Kuu"? Thoughts?
  8. Riffffz

    Early contenders for 2018 best albums thread ...

    finally new Aura Noir material!
  9. Riffffz

    Early contenders for 2018 best albums thread ...

    I'll have to check that out
  10. Riffffz

    Hi, hey, hello

    Thank you!
  11. Riffffz

    Early contenders for 2018 best albums thread ...

    Awesome! I'm still learning my way around the whole forum thing so forgive any newby errors Also thanks for the list, I'll be checking all of those bands out asap!
  12. Riffffz

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    For me it has to be Necrot and Genocide Pacts latest releases. Both are balls deep heavy
  13. Riffffz

    Early contenders for 2018 best albums thread ...

    Is it just me or has this year already set the bar high in terms of quality releases. Autopsy, Ataraxy, Genocide Pact and Hooded Menace have all staked a claim. Who else have I missed/would you recommend?
  14. Riffffz

    Hi, hey, hello

    Hey, hi, hello! I'm new to this forum thing. But really struggle to find other like minded people in my local area so thought I'd give this a go ‍♂️
  15. Riffffz

    Hello! I'm new to this whole forum thing and a bit of a technophobe so please be patient if I...

    Hello! I'm new to this whole forum thing and a bit of a technophobe so please be patient if I appear to be a tad slow with this