Recent content by riffmachine

  1. R

    Michael Wagener interview...

    Thanks for posting that. Michael is a very interesting guy. I did his August workshop and it was a great experience full of fun stories and great production tidbits. He was very welcoming, friendly, and created a very relaxed learning/working environment. What a great studio he has as well...
  2. R

    Waves Vocal Rider and wave rider

    I have it but I've only used it for one project so far and only on vocals. Just an fyi, there is a bug, and no fix yet as far as I know. After you set up the plug in and have it listen to the audio and apply the automation, you are going to have to remember to turn the plug-in on to "read"...
  3. R

    Master Bus Rape - Help

    Hey, sorry this doesn't answer either of your questions, but you can get away with a louder output ceiling than -3. You'd be pretty safe at - 0.5 or - 0.7 :) Just thought I would mention. - paul
  4. R

    Flat Vocalist - What should I do?

    +1 on Melodyne
  5. R

    I need some serious advice! Education.

    I think that even with schooling, without any real life/hands-on experience in a studio, you're going to have a hard time. School can teach you sooo much, but without applying the knowledge to real life situations and real life projects, you won't really be able to see how what you've learned...
  6. R

    I need some serious advice! Education.

    I've been doing the Berklee Online Pro Tools Masters Certification for the last 2 years. I have 6 months left and two classes. It cost me $11,500. So far I've taken Critical Listening, Pro Tools 101, Pro Tools 110, Mixing & Mastering With Pro Tools, Advanced Mixing & Mastering with Pro Tools...
  7. R

    FS: Used Dangerous DBox

    This item is no longer available. Thanks - paul
  8. R

    Do you ever...

    Cool, thanks for the book suggestion. I'm always looking for good stuff. :)
  9. R

    Do you ever...

    I have struggled with that problem as well. Now I just read atleast 2 or more chapters from a book before I turn out the light. It really helps me to stop nitpicking over the mixes/tunes in my head. It's got to be a fun book though, or my mind keeps interupting the reading with thoughts of...
  10. R

    What samples/software do you guys use for "beats"?

    + another for Reason. Cool program for beats and for creating ambient music.
  11. R

    Does Mic cable Brand/Price REALLY matter?

    A couple of months ago, I was recording my bassist with some mics and a DI. He had a Mesa Boogie bass amp (I can't remember the model) that had a DI out on the back. We used his Mogami 1/4" instrument cable, but it was a tad too short to make back to where we had his amp. You could insert it...
  12. R

    what's the deal with Vista these days?

    I've been using Pro Tools M-powered for several years on my Dell XPS 400 with XP (Pentium D CPU 3.00 GHz, and 3.50 gigs of RAM) . I've had my share of problems, but I'm only computer literate and I don't feel very knowledgable about any in depth stuff or programming etc. I finally got to a...
  13. R

    Do you have hassle translating your mixes to the outside world, too?

    In addition, make sure that when you listen to the pro song in your DAW, you disable any plugs inserted on your Master track. Or the reference tune will be affected by those plugs as well, and you wont hear the true reference mix on your system.
  14. R

    Do you have hassle translating your mixes to the outside world, too?

    When you say you are A/B'ing your mix with commercial mixes, are you importing a pro song into your project and listening to it within your DAW? On your monitors/headphones? Or are you just A/B'ing your final mix in the car/boombox along with the commercial cd? If the latter is the case, then...
  15. R

    Some questions about (pre)mastering (and mixing also)

    Christ almighty that's a lot of questions. I'll start by saying that my experience is relatively young and my mastering skills are not my best strength. In fact I'm only just getting my business license this week, and I still have a lot of things to organize and learn. To answer your questions...