Recent content by Riflewolf

  1. R

    Review and Photos from Last Night's show in Houston...

    Scott and Joey are fucking gods!:kickass:
  2. R

    Slayer new album cover revealed............

    haha hope the album will kick ass:rock:
  3. R

    Slayer new album cover revealed............

    Isn't that guy in the eyepatch Jesus??!!??
  4. R

    Slayer new album cover revealed............

    Looks kinda dull
  5. R

    Don't be this guy.

    LOL This is the best night of my life!!!!:cool: Few moments later: :Puke:
  6. R


    That depends, WHEN did you see them?
  7. R

    Don't be this guy.

    That was weird
  8. R


    Why you want to get serious about Quiet Riot, then start a new topic on them. Ratt are possibly one of the greatest hair metal bands in history, so think before you post.
  9. R

    Some pretty sad news

    Get well soon Spike! I wish him all the best.
  10. R

    Uh oh

    God damn you! You blew it up! ~Planet of the Apes~ That would be cool if that were to happen wouldn't it?
  11. R


    You should also download "Round and Round", it's Ratt's best song ever! Also get Wanted Man and Back for More, those are also good ones.
  12. R


    HaHa Quiet Riot. I have Metal Health, is that a good one?
  13. R


    WHAT?!:OMG: A7X and Ratt are nothing alike and you know it!!! A7X=:Puke: Ratt=:rock:
  14. R


    I wonder if hair metal could be popular again someday, it could but possibly with a different image meaning that band members might not frizz their hair anymore. If this does happen Ratt just might be popular again, who knows?
  15. R


    Yeah yeah I changed my sig to ratt. You guys might start rolling the eyes now, right? But something tells me I have to make it a smaller image because it just seems too big.