Recent content by Riga Crypto

  1. Riga Crypto

    FAQ: Live shows with backing tracks - HOW TO?

    That's absolutely brilliant! Thanks for taking the time to make a comprehensive guide for this. I think it deserves a sticky (or at least a link in the Useful Links post)
  2. Riga Crypto

    Your Top 3 Favorite Composers

    Badalamenti for movie soundtracks, really sick For classical, Modest Mussorgsky absolutely rocks And, last but not least, Zbigniew Preisner, his "Van den Budenmayer Concerto en Mi Mineur" may be the most beautiful piece of music I have ever heard
  3. Riga Crypto

    Crab revenge!

    I thought this was going to be about crabcore :)
  4. Riga Crypto

    Need help with a voice-over

    hehe, exactly :) anything native (or native-sounding) should be fine It's no hurry, we're sending the copies next week Anyway, I'm still waiting for the guys to come up with a text so wait a bit :)
  5. Riga Crypto

    Need help with a voice-over

    I was wondering if anyone here with a good English accent could help my band with a voice over for some promotional discs we're going to send (something along the lines of "You're listening to a promotional copy blabla"). We probably can't pay for this, but it should only take a few minutes...
  6. Riga Crypto

    Looking for Reamping/Mixing/Mastering for full-length album (paid)

    After hours after hours of listening and A/B-ing and discussing we've finally managed to reach a consensus about what we're going to do and pick a winner. However, the entry was received in a PM so I'm not going to make it public unless that person agrees to it. I would like to thank everyone...
  7. Riga Crypto

    Looking for Reamping/Mixing/Mastering for full-length album (paid)

    Still thinking about it and debating it, and listening to the mixes... :)
  8. Riga Crypto

    Looking for Reamping/Mixing/Mastering for full-length album (paid)

    Of course, that's the whole point of this :)
  9. Riga Crypto

    Looking for Reamping/Mixing/Mastering for full-length album (paid)

    Sorry I broke the link, it's fixed now. Muckypup: yes I did, but the whole reason I went through this was to see how our material would sound. Samples of your other work, while certainly interesting, are not what I'm looking for.
  10. Riga Crypto

    Looking for Reamping/Mixing/Mastering for full-length album (paid)

    Here's a quick update: I have given the mixes so far to the band members and I'll give them a bit of time to have a good listen to the mixes before making a final decision.
  11. Riga Crypto

    Looking for Reamping/Mixing/Mastering for full-length album (paid)

    O, forgot about that. 155, 3/4 signature except for the middle part where it's 4/4
  12. Riga Crypto

    Looking for Reamping/Mixing/Mastering for full-length album (paid)

    I have redone the DIs and updated the first post. I think they're ok now.
  13. Riga Crypto

    Looking for Reamping/Mixing/Mastering for full-length album (paid)

    now that I listen to them, they do sound funny. the weird is, i've checked them and they're not anywhere near the red zone, they seem to be peaking around -10 dB. I'm not sure what could be causing this. I'm sorry about this. I'll try to get some decent sounding DIs up as soon as possible
  14. Riga Crypto

    Looking for Reamping/Mixing/Mastering for full-length album (paid)

    My band is about to start recording our first album, and our choice of local studios is rather limited. Going abroad is unfeasible due to time constraints mainly (i.e. we all have jobs). So, I was thinking of doing some of the recording ourselves (drums, guitar DIs, bass DI, vocal, keyboards)...
  15. Riga Crypto

    My first song here

    I have updated the link in the first post with a new version. Significant changes: - Guitars are now TSS-8505-Awesometime, quad-tracked - Drums are Slate (I'm not entirely happy with them, I'm sure I can do much more)