Recent content by Road Supervisor

  1. R is online!

    Greetings from, WELCOME We are now online and running! is your Hard Rock and Heavy Metal Live Concert Photography Resource. If you like taking pictures of musicians when attending concerts and you think you have got some stunning shots, then be sure to submit them...
  2. R is online!

    Greetings from, WELCOME We are now online and running! is your Hard Rock and Heavy Metal Live Concert Photography Resource. If you like taking pictures of musicians when attending concerts and you think you have got some stunning shots, then be sure to submit them...
  3. R - The Hard Rock and Heavy Metal Live Concert Photography Resource

    The countdown continues...only 7 days to go. Click here to follow the countdown. We hope to see you there soon to rock n' roll!!! The Road Supervisor
  4. R - The Hard Rock and Heavy Metal Live Concert Photography Resource

    The countdown continues...only 7 days to go. Click here to follow the countdown. We hope to see you there soon to rock n' roll!!! The Road Supervisor
  5. R - The Hard Rock and Heavy Metal Live Concert Photography Resource

    The countdown has begun to what will be a truly unique experience for rockers, ravers, lovers and sinners alike! will be a Hard Rock and Heavy Metal Resource for live concert photography where you will be able to buy, sell and vote for your favourite concert shots - your...
  6. R - The Hard Rock and Heavy Metal Live Concert Photography Resource

    The countdown has begun to what will be a truly unique experience for rockers, ravers, lovers and sinners alike! will be a Hard Rock and Heavy Metal Resource for live concert photography where you will be able to buy, sell and vote for your favourite concert shots - your...