Recent content by roadrash

  1. roadrash

    COB Show in Minneapols

    Heheh .. it's no sweat. I was just being a dick :hotjump:
  2. roadrash

    COB Show in Minneapols

    So messing up on 2 articles in 3 years is a lot?
  3. roadrash

    COB Show in Minneapols

    Nope. Just with COB.
  4. roadrash

    COB Show in Minneapols

    Thanx for pointing that out. I ended up going with a different shot and forgot to change the name :)
  5. roadrash

    COB Show in Minneapols

    Ok ... as promised, Here's the COB show on GR:
  6. roadrash

    Interview with Janne on GR

    You have just witnessed the nightmare of every Chief Editor in the biz. There's nothing to see here, so just keep moving :)
  7. roadrash

    Interview with Janne on GR

    Yeah ... I took that pic out. I have some shots from Chicago I'm waiting on, so I'll put that in as soon as I get it. Man ... that's just effing embarrassing!
  8. roadrash

    Interview with Janne on GR

    OH CRAP!!! We were scheduled to meet with Janne, but my writer just told me she ended up by interviewing Henkka. SORRY GUYS!
  9. roadrash

    Interview with Janne on GR

    Greets! I just wanted to turn y'all on to Garage Radio's interview with Henkka: EDIT: OOPS!!!!
  10. roadrash

    Interview with Joey

    You know ... he really was. He was laid back and made me feel very comfortable with the whole in-person interview thing. I usually do these over the phone. Here's another cool thing ... by the time the tour mgr was able to get us back there, Joey was eating and he invited us to sit down anyway...
  11. roadrash

    GR Review of "Are You Dead Yet?"

    Heheh ... thanx for the heads up! FIXED!
  12. roadrash

    GR Review of "Are You Dead Yet?"

    Hey all! Just wanted to turn you on to Garage Radio's review of the new COB CD! Check it out:
  13. roadrash

    Interview with Joey

    Hey! check out my interview with Joey Belladonna! Also got some killer show coverage w/Priest:
  14. roadrash

    ANTHRAX's 'Classic' Lineup Reunion Generates Little Retail Heat

    I think this is mostly a case of poor marketing strategy.
  15. roadrash

    Ask Anthrax...
