Recent content by robbie

  1. robbie

    For those who are death metal fans.....

    The new Aborted album is pretty damn good. I hope they get a tour stop near me.
  2. robbie

    One more band to guess....

    There's only one band I'd rather see than Iced Earth and that's Nevermore.
  3. robbie

    A word on the 2005 roster....

  4. robbie

    Hurricane Ivan.....

    It's still kinda early but the projected path right now has Ivan hitting land early next week. I was just wondering if this thing causes a lot of rain in Georgia and flights have to be cancelled are there any precautions being taken? I know that a lot of us are flying into Atlanta. I'm...
  5. robbie

    Anyone heard Dream Theater's live redention of...

    Listen to Train of Thought. Definitely their heaviest album.
  6. robbie

    Tickets: For Sale/Wanted

    Alright so my friend dropped out and I'm selling his ticket now.
  7. robbie

    ProgPower V - Which Bands Do You want to See Most?

    1. Into Eternity 2. Pain of Salvation 3. Edguy
  8. robbie

    Mosh Pit's at Progpower?

    When I go to metal shows I bring my camera and a lot of film. I like to get as close to the front as I can so I can get some awesome pictures. No I don't like to mosh, I'd rather watch the band. I don't despise the people that do and I expect to get bumped into and moved around. I do not let...
  9. robbie

    Where is everybody coming from?

    I'll be coming from Lake Charles, Louisiana. Prob just gonna drive over to Houston and fly from there. This will be my second PP.